Often revered as an astute judge of character, Queen Elizabeth II told friends that she found Donald Trump “very rude,” and mused that he must have “some sort of arrangement” with his wife, Melania.

The stunning claims are made in a new biography of the late queen which is being serialized in the Daily Mail. It also says that the late monarch “particularly disliked” Trump’s habit of looking over her shoulder, as if “in search of others more interesting.”

Elizabeth hosted Trump twice during her reign, in 2018 and 2019.

  • @[email protected]
    18724 days ago

    Stunning claims? How is this stunning? Everyone knows Trump is rude as hell, he doesn’t even try to hide it.

    • @[email protected]
      3424 days ago

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone except his followers knew that the day he came down that escalator.

        • @Plopp
          1323 days ago

          That’s so weird. “Oh wow he’s so disrespectful, let’s bow to him!” Like, how weak can you be?

      • @[email protected]
        4824 days ago

        Except she didn’t, she kept it private.

        Somebody else now wrote in a book she said that, which may or may not be true (I believe it). But she made those statements in private.

        • @[email protected]
          2824 days ago

          Maybe she said that, or maybe this is like the time The Sun’s psychic contacted Princess Diana and learned that she was (of course) a Brexit supporter.

          • @[email protected]
            1424 days ago

            Imagine being dead for decades and somebody contacts you to ask about politics. Like fuck off, I don’t care, I’m dead. Why would anybody who’s dead care about politics? Leave them alone.

            • @[email protected]
              523 days ago

              I imagine most historical figures will be profoundly disappointed when they learn of modern politics… No god-emperors, no global communism, just a capitalist hellhole full of near-fascist governments. Mussolini might have a field day, but imagine summoning the ghost of Ramesses II or Vladimir Lenin into today’s political landscape

            • @idiomaddict
              423 days ago

              This is coming from the mail, which has only ever been slightly more reputable than the sun. At this point, they could be tied

    • @Serinus
      2023 days ago

      Well, I used to think that. Now that is in the Daily Mail I’m less sure.

    • @ZoopZeZoop
      23 days ago

      Didn’t we already know she thought he was rude? Regardless, who cares. The fact that some rich person from some other country agreed with us isn’t news worthy.

  • @cabron_offsets
    11624 days ago

    Look. Melanie’s a prostitute. She married and fucks him for money. Just telling it like it is. Not making a moral judgement.

    • @[email protected]
      7224 days ago

      Hey, prostitution is plenty fine. It’s the lack of moral compass that’s concerning.

      I don’t want the money I make to come from others suffering. She is obviously plenty fine with it.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      1923 days ago

      I remember she was so mad and didn’t want to move to the white house when he won lol. She was comfortable living in a penthouse, while fucking Raul the Yoga instructor, and rarely being in the same room with Trump.

  • The Quuuuuill
    3524 days ago

    Oh but when Barack Obama shakes her hand because that’s his default “I respect you” gesture it’s a national crisis

  • @RedditSucks88
    3523 days ago

    It’s 2024. Why do people still care about kings and queens lol.

  • @whotookkarl
    3324 days ago

    Not saying it’s not true, but isn’t the daily Mail tabloid/sensational journalism similar to infotainment like Fox or Weekly World News

    • @[email protected]
      1024 days ago

      yup, though i think in this case it makes more sense to interrogate the honesty of craig brown, since the claim comes from him. daily mail is just reporting on (advertising) his book

  • Weirdmusic
    1323 days ago

    I vaguely remember the video of the Queen and James Bond during the London Olympics opening ceremony where the Queen asks Bond to get rid of Trump. Or did I imagine that?

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    623 days ago

    Surprising, considering they’re both racist old fucks and Donny is a pedo like her dear son, whom she lent her properties to for the pedo parties with Epstein. I would have thought they’d get along and will be playing poker in hell together soon enough

  • Media Bias Fact CheckerB
    -624 days ago
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