On a related note, we have “no swimming, alligators hang here” signs in NW Florida. Don’t care, not worried. OTOH, “CROCS you say?!” One of these things is not like the other.
Look, there’s this guy who’s been a pain in the ass on this beach. He leaves a bunch of crap everywhere, we have to clean up after him. Tom thought this might solve the problem.
Quite bold of them to assume crocodiles can read
Did… Did the crocodiles make that sign?
It’s simply a warning to crocodiles that there’s no lifeguard on duty.
This sign was clearly put up by the crocodiles.
Crocodiles do not swim. Here?
Crocodiles: do not! (Swim?) “Here…”
This Padi logo shouldn’t be here either.
Works on contingency? No, money down!
Crocodiles? Do not! Swim here!
Crocodiles do not. Swim here!
They’d be so mad if they could read.
On a related note, we have “no swimming, alligators hang here” signs in NW Florida. Don’t care, not worried. OTOH, “CROCS you say?!” One of these things is not like the other.
Yeah, one sees you later and the other sees you after a while.
Totally different.
So all the alligators are hanging out on land
I follow this ladies advice
Crocodiles; do not swim here
I thought it was supposed to be:
Crocodiles, do not swim here.
I would’ve gone with:
Crocodiles! Do not swim here
I kind of like:
Crocodiles?! Do not swim here?
Look, there’s this guy who’s been a pain in the ass on this beach. He leaves a bunch of crap everywhere, we have to clean up after him. Tom thought this might solve the problem.
Don’t Get in the kiln