• @Got_Bent
    27 days ago

    How cynical have I become that I immediately inferred the purpose of this before reading the caption?

    Honestly, on second look, why the hell would a bench even need wheelchair accommodation? They can just sit immediately next to it or in front of it facing the people on the bench.

    • @mipadaitu
      3527 days ago

      The fact that there’s a back would mean that the chair is pushed slightly forward of the others in the group, and therefore awkward to turn and chat with.

  • @GuStJaR
    2227 days ago

    The person who came up with this probably doesn’t realise what an absolute cunt they are. I hope one day they do realise, but only after everyone they’ve ever loved realises first.

  • Apathy Tree
    1827 days ago

    I’d just like to also point out that pretending this is designed to be accessible is a joke when 90+% of the population doesn’t use mobility devices at all and thus this bench supposedly caters to an intensely small subset of the population who doesn’t need it or want it (I’ve never heard wheelchair folks ask for benches; they ask for ramps…), and it functions less well for everyone else as a result. Need to care for a child on the park bench? Too fucking bad.

    The epitome of “the cruelty is the point”.

  • Ogmios
    1027 days ago

    It’s for those backless wheelchairs, so they have someplace to lean against and rest.

  • @PoopMonster
    827 days ago

    Because after traveling a long distance wheelchair users really look for benches to sit on and chill…