Update log:

Edit 1 at 1st day, 4:58 PM: Updated picture

Edit 2 at 1st day, 5:05 PM: Updated picture

Edit 3 at 1st day, 5:10 PM: Updated picture

Edit 4 at 1st day, 5:14 PM: Updated picture

Edit 5 at 1st day, 5:19 PM: Updated picture

Edit 6 at 1st day, 5:22 PM: Updated picture

Edit 7 at 1st day, 5:26 PM: Updated picture, also I’m gonna chill with the updates for now. Next update is scheduled for 5:50 PM

Edit 8 at 1st day, 5:50 PM: Updated picture, next update is at 6:25 PM

Edit 9 at 1st day, 6:25 PM: Updated picture, next update is at 7:45 PM

    • @PunchingBag
      1 year ago

      Which is the point of all of this. They’ve been flexing their ability to control the flow of information on their site to show off for investors since the minute they announced the API changes. They’re going to use Place to further demonstrate the level of control they have over the userbase by “shutting down the protests.” Advertisers and investors are going to be eating this up, especially since so many people are still engaging and giving hate-clicks along the way. Imagine how attractive a completely pliable and obedient userbase of literal millions of progressive swing voters is going to look.

      • Free-Owl716OP
        101 year ago

        Yeah, they just want to boost traffic and engagement, so that Reddit looks good to investors.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        I notice they’ve left in all the Fuck Spez stuff, while removing anything “promoting violence”.

        Eventually he’ll see himself out the door with an enormous payoff. The reddit faithful will cheer his departure, but none of what he’s done will be reversed.

        Reddit wants to be TikTok because that makes money.

        If I wanted TikTok I’d have downloaded it.

        I didn’t. So I left.

        • @CitizenKong
          21 year ago

          Eventually he’ll see himself out the door with an enormous payoff. The reddit faithful will cheer his departure, but none of what he’s done will be reversed.

          I think that’s called doing a “Pao”.

    • @Bondrewd
      1 year ago

      Last time I saw the guillotine, it was getting filled by a random color swarm.

    • Free-Owl716OP
      221 year ago

      Yeah, I’m guessing either bots or Reddit themselves removed it.

        • Firestorm Druid
          01 year ago

          Bad take. You wouldn’t say the n-word if you were white too. It’s the same thing. Or using a term for someone’s sexuality as a swear word.

            • Chetzemoka
              71 year ago

              I’m a nurse in my mid-40s. We absolutely DO NOT use the term “retarded” in the medical field anymore. We use the term developmentally delayed. “Retarded” is considered a slur

        • hh93
          11 year ago

          The problem is using that word as a slur and grouping very kind people that just happen to be born with an illness with that kind of idiot.

          The term itself isn’t offensive - misusing it is

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Oh, also, fun fact. You cannot access it via old.reddit.com. They want to push users away from that too so they force you to use their new retard-friendly UI filled with ads.


      The day they force me off old.reddit, is the day I stop occasionally lurking around on my second monitor. As of now, I’m active here, consciously here, and occasionally grabbing news from communities that have not migrated on PC.

      Imagine making your UI worse with every iteration.

  • Brudder Aaron
    861 year ago

    Going to call it. Right before place ends, they’re going to completely wipe all the Fuck Spezes.

  • @M_Reimer
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @M_Reimer
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @xkforce
    421 year ago

    Lets protest reddit by engaging with r/place for hours instead of leaving the site for literally anywhere else. that’ll show spez.

    • @[email protected]
      321 year ago

      Reddit wants a happy, active r/place banner just post the changes to prove to investors that this hasn’t damaged their brand.

      I hear what you’re saying, but fucking with the image they’re trying to portray is far more damaging that boycotting them, in this particular case.

      • Kill_joy
        1 year ago

        They don’t have a meeting with Toyota and say “check out the community banner our users created”

        They say “we launched a promo that lasted 48 hours (or w/e the fuck it is) and community engagement was through the roof. We had an increase of x% users during this time. The next time we will do this it will be $X amount for X amount of ad space so you can get in front of X amount of users”

        I haven’t seen r/place but I bet there are 0 ads on that page. Reddit is smarter than to sell ad space next to FUCK SPEZ and My Little Pony Porn. What they will do is increase ad prices for the next “event”.

        No matter what you think, this engagement is supporting them.

      • Backspacecentury
        91 year ago

        It’s really not. They do not give a shit about what it looks like. All they care about is clicks for ad revenue. They waited from 2017 to 2022 to re-do place, then they do it again a year later, directly after introducing a ton of unpopular changes?

        Naw fam, this is 100% them generating traffic and anyone that keeps going to place is falling right into their hands, regardless of what message they think they’re sending.

      • athos77
        71 year ago

        The advertisers aren’t going to care about a banner. Reddit is going to tell them, “yeah there were some protests and a minor dropoff in traffic, but see how well we rebounded and even grew in July!”. Every single click on that thing counts as “traffic” and you can bet that that’s exactly how reddit is going to sell it.

      • hh93
        11 year ago

        Reddit wants to show investors that their site interaction hasn’t dropped since banning 3rd party apps.

        A lot of the investors likely won’t ever see the place but will for sure get the numbers…

    • GatoB
      21 year ago

      It would be useful adding a lemmy icon or/and join-lemmy link

  • @grue
    201 year ago

    Too much “fuck Spez;” not enough “join Lemmy.”

  • @Zozano
    191 year ago

    People making giant colour stripes for flags are so fucking lame…

  • @DolphLundgren
    131 year ago

    Why not edit the title to “as of Time” when it updates. That would be a cool way to take advantage of the Lemmy feature Reddit never had (but needed)

  • @kadu
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Ryantific_theory
    1 year ago

    Canada cursed to never produce a maple leaf. The guillotine replaced by an Ariane rocket. An unnaturally thicc Pikmin. Fuck spez scattered across the world.


    It’s a shame Reddit is a mess, because these sort of silly community events are one of the best parts of the internet. Though some fools turned the dick in the DICKS piece into just a normal I. That was art.

    As an aside, while staying off Reddit has the greatest impact on the company itself, Lemmy’s population is negligible compared to the number of angry redditors on Reddit itself. Advertising Lemmy as an alternative and guiding more people to join is going to have a much larger long-term impact than being a thousandth of a percent of their engagement numbers. That said, it looks like the Lemmy add disappeared as well.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I’m stoked to see OSHA in the bottom right!!!

    (I hope it’s the work-place-safety OSHA and not some terrible reference I’m not familiar with.)