• @[email protected]
    946 months ago


    It’s that whole part where after 8 years of more or less constant duress, for one reason or another, there’s a limitation on how much more catecholamine response can be elicited within the human body. People are tapped out.

    Probably why this joyful shit is so effective. Context truly is everything.

    But yeah, both my uterus and my mental health are shuddering in horror at Project 2025. I can’t read all 996 pages, but I’ve read through some items. Ezra Klein podcast had a nice hour long discussion with both left and right regarding how this is a gender election, at the visceral level. For both men and women. Toxic masculinity does no favors for men, long term.

    • @TokenBoomer
      56 months ago

      We really are just cave people with laptops.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      -146 months ago

      “You should vote harder! You’re not voting hard enough!”

      McKinsey Consultant Tier work from a McKinsey Consultant department secretary. Hope President Kamala cans his ass.

      • @Bakersfield
        146 months ago

        “You should vote harder! You’re not voting hard enough!”

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          16 months ago

          Wouldn’t hold my breath. He’s got less charisma than Al Gore and worse delivery than Michael Dukakis. Dude got outflanked by a pair of septuagenarians the last time he tried.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    6 months ago

    Who is “we”?

    I have only one official act I can do to “react” to P2025, and that’s vote for anyone opposed to theofascism in the US. Am I, personally, suitably horrified at what the theofascists want to do to what remains of democracy in this country? Absolutely.

    But other than civil disobedience or outright revolt, that’s all most of us can do to react to Project 2025.

    • LustyArgonian
      6 months ago

      Posting online and raising awareness in general can be helpful for movements. Which is exactly why conservatives get so upset about SJW - online campaigns work.

    • @Wilzax
      36 months ago

      If we stopped donating to specific campaigns and started donating to organizations that are lobbying against voter suppression we could all do much more than our single vote allows

  • @linearchaos
    146 months ago

    The most worrisome thing is project 2025 doesn’t go away if Harris gets in. She’ll simply be the person holding their finger in the dyke.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      Yes, even if a fuckin miracle happens and Gen Z shows up to obliterate the Republicans in Congress and Democrats get a freaking supermajority, they won’t have gone away. Their billionaire backers will still be gagging to overthrow democracy, they’ll just give up on that avenue of attack.

  • @halferect
    126 months ago

    Well than they aren’t explaining it well enough, maybe bring up schedule 7, which is a fundamental part of project 2025 and the start of a potential dictatorship

  • @WoahWoah
    86 months ago

    Yeah because wasn’t he like a counter-terrorist intelligence officer or something? I’m sure this reeks to high hell to him.

  • fadingembers
    -166 months ago


    • @TehWorld
      316 months ago

      “Letting”? How do you stop people from making plans?

        • @TehWorld
          66 months ago

          “Put up safeguards” isn’t really actionable. What is required is that people VOTE. Democrats have been losing these elections and it’s pretty hard to enact laws when they’re out of power.

            • @TehWorld
              36 months ago

              “Putting in laws” requires that Congress (Republicans aren’t about to get on board here) get things passed. Things like ‘expanding the court’ are what really would drive Republican voters to the polls, which is why they haven’t done that. The President has less power than you seem to be giving them credit for. Do you think that Biden should just go slap a pair of cuffs on Trump? Trump would win in a landslide if that happened. The Democrats have certainly been asleep at the wheel for a while, and it’s going to take a long time to get P25 out of the government for sure. There are no quick fixes.

        • @CoggyMcFee
          6 months ago

          It would help if you could give an example of a safeguard or two that is within Biden’s power to put in place. The only actions I can think of (that couldn’t be instantly reversed by a new president) all depend on Congress, which makes them virtually impossible. But maybe there is something I am not thinking of?

          • HubertManne
            46 months ago

            I see so many things like this and when push comes to shove they suggest they do things not legal like which is what we are trying to prevent. Making a precedent that the president can do things they can’t is not going to help. I agree that we need to vote this shit out. Being a republican or any part of the maga/qanon/etaparty type things should guarantee loss.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Cool. So what specifically could Biden do right now? More specific than just saying “safeguards” as if that’s a fucking response.

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            Throw the Toupee in prison. Make it an Presidential action to disallow felons to run for political office, since they legally cannot vote. Expand the Supreme Court and fast track term limits. Throw all of the GOP in prison; treason is a felony.

                • @[email protected]
                  06 months ago

                  Right. So you don’t understand how sentencing works. Got it.

                  You should do (like the most basic possible) research on the US justice system.

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              Please look at my comment history, I’ve been nothing but an ally. You’ve misunderstood my point.

              The term “safeguards” is extremely vague.

              Trump belongs in prison, but just declaring that “they should put him away” or whatever, isn’t an actual solution. That’s not how the justice system works. He hasn’t been sentenced yet.

              My comment was one of realism. It’s easy to just say, “put him in jail,” but that’s just simply not how it works here (and for very good reason). Hence the request for specifics.

              We have separation of powers for a reason. The head of the executive branch cannot (thankfully) unilaterally put their political opponents in prison.

              So I ask again, what specifically can the executive branch do in terms of “safeguards”? This is an honest question.

              • @FollyDolly
                16 months ago

                What do you mean, we can’t throw him in prison!? IF we had a functional justice system he would have been hung as a traitor to the United States. He tried to overthrow the government and kill the vice president. There should have been no coming back from that. This isn’t just hearsay we saw it happen live. Then he sold documents to any foreign government who showed interest, which is also highly, HIGHLY illegal.

                If the justice system is so broken as to not penalize a man who is attempted to take down our democracy multiple times, than project 2025 is inevitable. If it not illegal to overthrow the government, than why does it matter who we elect?

                • @[email protected]
                  6 months ago


                  He’s definitely not that.

                  But in all seroiusness… Are you purposefully missing the point? This is how the justice system works, you don’t get accused of aiding the enemy and then instantly hanged. That’s not how it works. We already execute innocent people all of the time in spite of a robust appeals system.

                  I understand that this is a pretty cut and dry case, but that doesn’t mean we get to just completely bypass the rule of law and hang suspected traitors. They still need to follow the law, and that means sentencing after a guilty verdict. He has not been sentenced yet (nor was he convicted of treason).

                  Shit moves slow, and yes there are people in this case that have been dragging their feet (such as Trump appointee Aileen Cannon), but that doesn’t mean we just skip a few steps and execute people.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            Throw the Toupee in prison. Make it an Presidential action to disallow felons to run for political office, since they legally cannot vote. Expand the Supreme Court and fast track term limits. Throw all of the GOP in prison; treason is a felony.

        • AutistoMephisto
          16 months ago

          The problem is the Federalism. Individual States have legislatures of their own, with, AFAICT, unchecked power to pass whatever laws they want within their borders. Congress, when it works, can only pass laws that regulate commerce between States, ensure citizens can move freely between States, collect taxes from those States, and other things.

          But again, when a State with a conservative legislature has control, they can enact parts of Project 2025, but only within their borders. They can’t force other States to follow suit unless they want SCOTUS involved.

    • @CoggyMcFee
      36 months ago

      They aren’t in charge of Congress, who actually makes laws (i.e. the crucial one here) or the Supreme Court (maybe you noticed this at some point?)

  • @JohnBrownII
    -386 months ago

    The 50 year old bipartisan effort led by the Heritage Foundation? Maybe Dems are “underreacting” because they cant seem to get ahead of issues they’ve supported since the beginning

    • @TehWorld
      56 months ago

      The closest thing to bipartisanship that the Heritage foundation has ever done was when one of their janitors used some blue colored soap in the restroom. It was quickly changed out for some RED soap as soon as someone noticed.

      • @JohnBrownII
        16 months ago

        Is that why every sitting president since Reagan has adopted Mandate for Leadership?

    • @TokenBoomer
      36 months ago

      ‘Effing John Brown with the W, not surprised.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Eh maybe you should look at their comment history. In another thread they’re shilling for Cornel West because he (is pretending that he) thinks that will allow him to absolve himself of the murder of millions of Palestinians, while ignoring the glaring red flags about billionaire Harlan Crowe funding his campaign.

        I guess billionaire far-right Republicans actually really care about Palestinians right? That’s why they’re pushing so hard to get a progressive candidate on the ballot in swing states, right? They just believe in having fair elections, right?

        Edit - my apologies, this was the other anti-Democratic party shill that was making nonsensical “arguments”. My bad.

        • @JohnBrownII
          16 months ago

          Link my comment shilling for Cornel West. Why would you lie so blatantly???

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Oh my mistake! This was the other anti-Democratic party shill being dishonest about our voting options regarding the genocide that they just learned about despite having been ongoing for decades.

            Hard to keep you straight, your talking points are so similar. Just a coincidence probably.

            • @JohnBrownII
              6 months ago

              Or maybe you spend too much time online? I know that probably never crossed your radar but…

              Like you get caught in a lie and the best you got is “uuuhh uhhh Im in 78 other arguments ACKCHUALLY”

                • @JohnBrownII
                  16 months ago

                  So we’ve got a lying mind reader on our hands. Libs are full of surprises

  • @[email protected]
    -1376 months ago

    The name will be changed in a couple of years, and it’ll be embraced by someone from the DNC and liberals will love the entire idea. Like they did NAFTA, the ACA, and several other ideas that originated with the Heritage foundation

        • @Feathercrown
          6 months ago

          I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. (Support Israel and justify the ongoing genocide!)

          Fuck off, you’re being intentionally misleading. This was a reassurance prelude to the statement that the Palestinian people have a right to not be genocided. Why are you misrepresenting this?

          For anyone who didn’t watch the DNC: don’t trust this bozo, he’s cherry-picking the most bipartisan stances to claim they were acting like republicans.

        • @[email protected]
          -116 months ago

          The entire party is now mask off republican, and theyve moved way past the moderate scale

    • fadingembers
      46 months ago

      They dropped their support for the abolition of the death penalty from their platform

    • @Suavevillain
      -56 months ago

      Slap bipartisan in front of anything bad and people lap it up.

    • mathemachristian[he]
      -726 months ago

      paid-for-by-kamala-harris We will make sure America has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world

      The overton window is currently at: Neocon Warhawk.

        • mathemachristian[he]
          6 months ago

          They accuse Trump, who famously had Soleimani murdered, of being weak on Iran. From the Official Democratic Party platform

          All of this [ed: prior 3 paragraphs all about bs Biden did against Iran] stands in sharp contrast to Trump’s fecklessness and weakness in the face of Iranian aggression during his presidency. In 2018, when Iranian-backed militias repeatedly attacked the U.S. consulate in Basra, Iraq Trump’s only response was to close our diplomatic facility. In June 2019, when Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance aircraft operating in international airspace above the Straits of Hormuz, Trump responded by tweet and then abruptly called off any actual retaliation, causing confusion and concern among his own national security team. In September 2019, when Iranian-backed groups threatened global energy markets by attacking Saudi oil infrastructure, Trump failed to respond against Iran or its proxies. In January 2020, when Iran, for the first and only time in its history, directly launched ballistic missiles against U.S. troops in western Iraq, Trump mocked the resulting Traumatic Brain Injuries suffered by dozens of American servicemembers as mere “headaches” – and again, took no action

          Edit: this is from a couple days ago, in case the fact that it was clearly written with a Biden candidacy in mind throws you

              • @[email protected]
                156 months ago

                No, I’m not being blindly loyal. I’m understanding that it’s (frankly kinda idiotic) political posturing. It’s politics. It’s de rigueur.

                And moreover, you’re taking the fact that the platform is highlighting the feckless inconsistency and ineptitude of the Trump administration and the guy himself as a “we can do better” statement, while I see it as much more of a “huh, thought you said you’d be ‘strong on defense’, but that didn’t pan out” - I.e., largely pointing out hypocrisy, as well as the fact that he manifestly does not give a shit about the welfare and health of people in the military.

                • mathemachristian[he]
                  6 months ago

                  I see it as much more of a “huh, thought you said you’d be ‘strong on defense’, but that didn’t pan out”

                  This is the official party platform of the democratic party. This is where they write and then vote on what their party plans to do, not some media piece to dunk on Trump. This is about what they want to do once they’re in office. It’s their action plan, it’s not meant to rally voters by comparing their candidate to Trump.

                  Read the paragraphs before that, the section that starts with

                  Through aggressive diplomacy backed by U.S. military power, the Administration has worked alongside our allies and partners to deter and defend against Iran and its terrorist surrogates.

                  They’re proudly displaying their aid in genocide and how they are bombing the middle east and promising more. It’s also telling that they are constantly comparing Bidens presidency to Trumps. They absolute plan to stay the course they just switched out the front.

                  Compare it with their 2020 platform:

                  Democrats will call off the Trump Administration’s race to war with Iran and prioritize nuclear diplomacy, de-escalation, and regional dialogue. Democrats believe the United States should not impose regime change on other countries and reject that as the goal of U.S. policy toward Iran. We believe the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) remains the best means to verifiably cut off all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb. The Trump Administration’s unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA isolated us from our allies and opened the door for Iran to resume its march toward a nuclear weapons capacity that the JCPOA had stopped. That’s why returning to mutual compliance with the agreement is so urgent. The nuclear deal was always meant to be the beginning, not the end, of our diplomacy with Iran. Democrats support a comprehensive diplomatic effort to extend constraints on Iran’s nuclear program and address Iran’s other threatening activities, including its regional aggression, ballistic missile program, and domestic repression

                  This is a clear shift in rhetoric towards Neocon Warhawk.

                • mathemachristian[he]
                  -86 months ago

                  Do you? Do you really hope that the commentor above yelled at a child to “literally fuck its own face”?

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            The inserted graphic, the pronoun in the name, is a dead giveaway. I only joined lemm.ee because lemmyworld was kinda locked down because of the great migration from reddit and the influx of traffic.