• @[email protected]
    5924 days ago

    Just make sure you don’t get authoritarian bourgeois sneaking into positions of power during the chaos like they tend to do.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          21 days ago

          What would a non-authoritarian shift in power look like? Secondly, Bourgeoisie is a class, not a synonym for bad. The Tsar was bad but wasn’t Bourgeoisie.

      • @Feathercrown
        1223 days ago

        I hope you have a better reason than “trust me bro” because this literally always happens

          • @[email protected]
            423 days ago

            What would you call Stalin, Mau, and Kim Il? They all consolidated power, cracked down on opposition, and created cults of personality.

          • @BrokenGlepnir
            423 days ago

            Isn’t there an argument that the kdp sdp split helped hitler get into power?

    • @Shard
      24 days ago

      Removed by mod

  • @Deestan
    2924 days ago

    In real, actionable, practical terms: What is the alternative you propose people choose, that will reduce the likelyhood of a fascist government right now at this election?

    • @isaaclw
      24 days ago

      Primary them in!

      Edit: too late for this election.

    • @[email protected]
      -1024 days ago

      First past the post voting in a two party system gives you a 99.9999% likelihood of a facist government this election IMHO The only practical action to enact change seems to be a mass general strike.

      • @Deestan
        1724 days ago

        It’s a shit voting system. But the election is happening. How to effect a mass general strike large enough to change the voting system and introduce a new candidate with a chance of winning within two months?

        Because that is needed in order to safely tell people not to vote.

        • @[email protected]
          -124 days ago

          Do both? I’m not saying don’t vote I’m saying the impact of voting is not enough to enact substantial change in policy.

      • @grue
        1124 days ago

        Congrats for destroying your credibility with “both sides” bullshit.

        Meanwhile, back in factual reality, the Democrats aren’t fascist and have more than a 0.00001% chance of winning.

      • @[email protected]
        123 days ago

        Would you like to place bets on the chance of there being a 2028 election? I won’t even ask for 1:100000 odds, I’ll happily accept 1:100

      • @[email protected]
        1724 days ago

        Okay, and how do you plan to get them into the hearts and minds of around 50% of the population in the next 2 months, when the vast majority haven’t even heard of her? It’s not enough to have someone who could be a good president, you also need to get people to vote for them. If you want most of the population to vote for someone, they need to be aware of them as a viable option years beforehand.

        I agree that the 2 choices are pawns of the rich, but even if every person who knew about Claudia voted for her, she wouldn’t even get enough votes for her to make the news, much less win. We’re talking about tens of millions of people voting in unison for an election win to happen in this country. At this stage in the game, there are only 2 candidates with that kind of draw power. If you want to focus on the 2028 election (assuming there is one, since there clearly won’t be if Trump wins) to get a 3rd viable candidate on that ballot, that’s a noble plan, but by now this election’s potential winners are already down to 2.

        Voting isn’t about closing your eyes and saying “I want someone good to win!” It’s about assessing which people might actually win, and voting for the one that best aligns with your views, however loosely. It’s about strategy. If you want to change that, you need to build national presence in the name of your preferred candidate, and you need to start years ahead of the elections. Big changes don’t happen at the ballot, they happen during the campaigning stage and beforehand. If your candidate isn’t on the news every day leading up to the election, most voters won’t even know they’re an option.

        • @[email protected]
          -624 days ago

          Voting is about choosing good candidates (or parties, or policies). If your system doesn’t let you vote, then you should consider changing your system.

          • @[email protected]
            524 days ago

            Voting is about choosing good candidates well before it gets pared down to 2 options. It’s about choosing a good local government, choosing good representatives, choosing good senators. If the only thing you care about is the President, then you’ll never have a good pool of options from which the parties will pick a presidential candidate. They’re not on our side - it’s our job to force their hand with a deck stacked with good candidates. But only the people who pay attention to politics well before election year get to have a say in stuff like that.

            • @[email protected]
              223 days ago

              Voting is about choosing good candidates well before it gets pared down to 2 options.

              In the US, yes. I was making a general statement. A voting system can be set up in multiple ways, but if it forces people to play lesser of the two evils then it is broken and needs to be changed.

  • @Ekybio
    2924 days ago

    Vote Blue no matter who

    THEN we can think about changing something. Cant run if you never learned to walk after all…

      • @redempt
        2124 days ago

        this is the most pro union ticket in decades. if you want progress, the path is collective labor power. it’s how we won the weekend and the 40 hour work week. it’s how we won paid lunch breaks (which are now being lost in many places). it’s how we earned paid maternity and paternity leave. if you want things to get better and stay better, join a union, STRIKE and just keep building coalition and class consciousness.

        • @[email protected]
          24 days ago

          nothing pro union about union busting for the last 4 years.

          and probably the next 4 if you aint naive to believe campaign promises from a career politician.

          • @TheOtherThyme
            424 days ago

            Yeah, the Joe guy should take himself off the ticket or something.

  • @davidagain
    1623 days ago

    Yeah, but you don’t have more than two options for president of the united states. You have the one supporting unions and the weird racist loony hater one. Anyone suggesting something else might happen this year is lying to you.

  • @[email protected]
    923 days ago

    We don’t get to order off a secret menu in the polling booth. It’s just Value Menu or Shit Sandwich.

  • @[email protected]
    624 days ago

    I don’t think big corporations really believe in proletarian revolution happening so probably not that worried about it tbh

  • NutWrench
    323 days ago

    We have to accept false dichotomies because the only alternative is cannibalism.