Fuck is wrong with this guy? Bruh looks radioactive.

  • Flying Squid
    3824 days ago

    It’s like he’s wearing a mask of his face over his face.

        • @Hackworth
          1924 days ago

          I was working at a local tv station in 2016, and every time I walked into a room with Trump’s head on it, I’d make a joke about the Apprentice or Biff or Home Alone or whatever. I honestly thought he had no chance in hell of winning. I just kept thinking, “Do people not remember who Donald Trump is?” Turns out I just didn’t understand people. Not saying I do now, but at least I know I don’t.

          • teft
            824 days ago

            Hate and racism are a hell of a drug to some people.

  • @Crackhappy
    2424 days ago

    He’s finally going full raccoon.

  • @ChicoSuave
    624 days ago

    He followed up the posts with a scream-of-consciousness call to Fox News, filibustering Bret Baier and Martha McCallum for 10 minutes until Baier abruptly cut him off to throw to the Greg Gutfeld comedy show.

    “At several points during the call, a familiar beeping sound interrupted Mr. Trump’s remarks,” wrote The Times’s Michael Grynbaum and Michael Gold. “It appeared that the former president was accidentally pressing buttons on the keypad of his phone.”

    Trump conceded that the Democrats had “a nice-looking room” for their convention.

    Mobile phones hide the keypad when it’s next to a person’s face so this couldn’t happen with a new phone. That can only mean Trump uses a land line touch tone phone, from like the 80s. His entire method of talking to others lost to mobile phones 20 years ago. If this isn’t the sign that he’s too out of touch with how people live today, nothing is.

  • @kaffiene
    424 days ago

    I hate the prick but the colour contrast on that image has clearly been turned up.

  • cabillaud
    324 days ago

    For me personally, there’s something with his shiny white shirts that i can’t get used to…

  • @niktemadur
    224 days ago

    Oh yes! Because i HaVeN’t EvEr SeEn EnOuGh Of iT tO LaSt ThReE gOdDaMnEd LiFeTiMeS!!!

    mOaR mOaR mOaR!!!
    GiMmE MoAr!!!

    Jesus Christ…