• @TexasDrunk
    4418 days ago

    First you have to file a second form remercion using only Pantone 19-4033 ink. I have both the necessary pens and the form for sale on my website. Unfortunately we can only sell Without Chauncey (in the United Corporation of America Federal Reserve Notes) unless you have your form ID10-T already on file, using the proper pen, using the proper degree of tilt to your writing, and with a bloody thumbprint in our office. This is to limit sales only to those who are very serious about learning how to do things properly.

    Reading this constitutes acceptance of contract. Please refer to the fee schedule in my profile. I expect all payments to be made in a timely manner or, owing to my time in the Navy, I will take you before an admiralty court with a gold fringed flag

    • Bizzle
      1618 days ago

      I like that color

      • @TexasDrunk
        117 days ago

        At a glance it was hard to tell that you had the image of the color because it’s close-ish to the background color of the Eternity app. I should have made it the exact same color but I couldn’t be bothered to figure it out and just picked a nice blue that was just off from normal blue pens.

    • @dejected_warp_core
      917 days ago

      Okay, apparently I’ve been doing it wrong: I’ve been reading all this stuff sober. Apparently, I need to be Texas drunk to speak Sovcit?

  • Flying Squid
    18 days ago

    Yes, they are the ones trying to overstep the IRS…

  • @TropicalDingdong
    1618 days ago

    Its like how for decades the bible was only reproduced in latin, to keep a kind of auspicious magic to the words to prevent the heathens from understanding.

    These words have some kind of “magic” hold and if you just make sure to use red-ink on your 1099C, they’ll give you the keys to the castle.

    • @[email protected]
      416 days ago

      I love how “hocus pocus” is a corruption of “hoc est corpus”, that is the “this is [my] body” said during the eucharist.

      People knew the priest used those words to turn a piece of pastry into the body of God, so they have to be powerful enough to be used elsewhere, right?

    • @Drusenija
      618 days ago

      They did ask for that to be fair.

  • @urandom
    817 days ago

    While it’s not my primary language, I thought I had a pretty good command of English. I’ve no idea what some of those words even mean