• @Sanctus
    1921 days ago

    We’ve got reality to face here, bud. We can’t wish a 3rd nominee who is magically untouched by AIPAC into existence. There are none.

    • @TokenBoomerOPM
      -1221 days ago

      Thanks for representing the meme.

      • Pegajace
        21 days ago

        This seems like an opportunity for you to explain why the points being made are invalid, rather than just mocking them via meme.

        It’s a brute fact that either Harris or Trump is going to be inaugurated as POTUS next January, and it’s also a fact that Trump would be worse for Gaza’s cause than maintaining the status quo. If I’m guaranteed an evil outcome in both cases, why shouldn’t I try to sway the course of history towards the lesser of the two possible evils?

    • @TokenBoomerOPM
      -1221 days ago

      Both sides don’t support the genocide?

      • @CaptainKickass
        321 days ago

        You try hard every single day, I’ll give you that

        You certainly have a hard on for the Democrats, ko matter who the candidate is

        I’d call you a paid actor but that’s against the rules so you’re just an agent provocateur imho

        • @TokenBoomerOPM
          -421 days ago

          Just a guy that thinks genocide is wrong. Weird, right?

          • @RestrictedAccount
            221 days ago

            So go after the Republicans who have been giving the billions to fund it

            • @Linkerbaan
              -120 days ago

              Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are Republicans?

              • @TokenBoomerOPM
                220 days ago

                (see meme): “You don’t know how government works.”

  • @[email protected]
    1521 days ago

    Not voting Harris inherently helps Trump. If you’re too stupid to realize we only have two options and we need to choose the least harmful one, then that’s your own damn fault. Grow the fuck up.

    • @TokenBoomerOPM
      221 days ago

      Who’s saying not to vote for Harris? I will. Some won’t because of the genocide. That is their right.

      • Ark-5
        521 days ago

        Seriously I’m not trying to start T, but I can’t help but feel there’s a disconnect in the memes you’re posting, and the takes you’re having in the comments. To me this meme, and others you have posted, seem to try to catch progressives, dems, leftists, whatever demographic, in this sort of gotcha that is the same gotcha that actual right wing actors are trying to use to push potential voters for Harris to vote third party or not at all. Does voting for Harris still make us complicit in genocide. Yeah, sure, probably, but putting Trump in office makes us all a whole lot more than complicit. I think we are in agreement. Genocide bad. Trump bad. Trump make genocide worse. Harris not great. But Harris better for US and probably for Palestine in the long term.

        Idk, maybe consider shifting your posting away from right wing “gotchas” to things that actually get people discussing the issues rather than trying to make them feel bad for feeling trapped in the two party system and maybe accidentally pushing them away from participating in the political process. Seems like it’s bringing heat your way from commenters, and honestly, the whole “I’m just being devils advocate because someone has to be” is just making you a blah person to interact with no matter how you plan to vote, who you support where, and which issues are deal breakers for you. Tbh we aren’t really in a position to be picky.

        • @TokenBoomerOPM
          321 days ago

          You’re welcome to post anything you’d like that would help stop the genocide.

            • @Linkerbaan
              421 days ago

              “Anyone who doesn’t support the Democrats committing Genocide is bad faith”.

          • Ark-5
            321 days ago

            Babe you’re seriously missing the point. I think the vast majority of people here are aware there’s a genocide happening. I’d say plenty have done their best to directly support those affected according to our means. The “stopping genocide” is happening in other places, and you’re invited, if you can look past the unnecessarily inflammatory memes.

            At a point this is barely a discussion of politics and social issues, and just your delivery being, to be frank, mid. You’re just posting stuff designed to make people feel bad for taking care of as many people as they can, both at home and the world over. We’re all on board, now let’s talk and organize and go DO, not repost weird backwards right wing talking points.

            • @TokenBoomerOPM
              21 days ago

              Your use of the benevolent sexist term “babe” is frankly, cringe. And your elicited response confirms the effectiveness of this post. If people are doing all they can, then why is the genocide still happening?

              • Ark-5
                220 days ago

                Lmaooo!! The tits on my chest say I’ve got my “babe” card I think. Cringe doesn’t exist and I won’t get into the irony of you mansplaining the sexist history of the word “babe” to a gal. My “response” was that you’re being unnecessarily inflammatory without being constructive. The post did not make me feel bad because I’m confident in my support of my community both local and global. I am in fact doing what my means allow for as many people as possible as I believe many of the people on this app are. Maybe these memes are a cry for help because you are actually self conscious of not having done more for your various communities and you now exist largely alone, both in person and in digital spaces. But that’s a whole different discussion for your therapist.

                Welcome to the library, you been read.

                Lmao Muted

                • @TokenBoomerOPM
                  120 days ago

                  I’ll have to add, “we’ve done all we can,” to the meme.

  • @RangerJosie
    121 days ago

    I’m not fighting with them anymore. They made their choice. They’ll have to live with it. If Apophis doesn’t kill us or we don’t all die in the inevitable collapse of the US, they’ll have to explain to their grandkids that they put their comfort above 2 and 1/2 million human lives.

    • @TokenBoomerOPM
      121 days ago

      I thought that was a Stargate reference, then I remembered the asteroid. ☄️

      • @RangerJosie
        421 days ago

        He was a great villain in Stargate.

        I’d like to have new Stargate. But im sure they’d ruin it. But imagine a mission based game where you play an SG team. You go to different planets to explore. Make friends. Fight enemies. Gather resources. And it would sell itself on Nostalgia alone.

        • @TokenBoomerOPM
          -121 days ago

          That would be awesome. The Ori arc was my favorite. I’d love to see that in a game.

  • @cccrontab
    121 days ago

    So electing Trump will essentially stop the genocide! Thanks!

  • @Linkerbaan
    -621 days ago

    Reminder that if Greens get 5% votes they get $10 mil for their 2028 campaign

    • TurboWafflz
      21 days ago

      Reminder that if you waste your votes on greens there might not be a 2028 election

      • @Linkerbaan
        -421 days ago

        Heard that one in 2016 and 2020. And the Mayans in 2012.

        • TurboWafflz
          421 days ago

          Yes but those times we didn’t have a candidate literally saying that if people vote for him “you’ll never have to vote again”

      • @TokenBoomerOPM
        -521 days ago

        Why is this the voter’s fault and not the party’s?

      • @EndlessApollo
        521 days ago

        Yep, it’s definitely his fault bush won, not bush’s fault for stealing the election

        • @CaptainKickass
          -321 days ago

          It came down to fewer than 1000 votes IIRC

          Also, fuck Nader