• @FiremanEdsRevenge
    11216 days ago

    Trump owns nearly 59% of Trump Media’s stock. Even after losing much of its value, Trump’s stake at Wednesday’s stock price is still worth more than $2.2 billion — more than half of his on-paper net worth, according to Forbes.

    Yea, I call bullshit on that.

    • @mipadaitu
      5216 days ago

      If he tries to sell any substantial portion of his holding, the price will crater.

      • @MiltownClowns
        16 days ago

        Thats the best part! He can take out loans against that as collateral. Then when he inevitabley defaults and the banks finally acknowledge the collateral is worthless, we bail out the banks! Capitalism!

      • @ikidd
        1016 days ago

        Not if there’s a state actor or two to keep buying. I wonder who that would be…

        • @[email protected]
          2316 days ago

          He can’t just sell 2bn at once. They’re saying as he sold the price would naturally crater even without news getting involved.

      • @ripcord
        516 days ago

        Since the stock price is based on fee-fees, grift, bribery, and money laundering - there is absolutely no reason to think this is true.

    • @LEDZeppelin
      2816 days ago

      Key word: on paper. No one besides Saudis and Putin will pay anywhere close to that amount

    • @[email protected]
      1816 days ago

      There are 192M shares and an average daily volume of 5.5M.

      There is no way Trump could sell 113M shares quickly, the stock would absolutely crater and the market would react.

      • @Zron
        415 days ago

        But he can still borrow against the value of those shares.

        That’s how these parasites afford all their private jets and other insane luxuries. They just pull out loans against the value of their stock holdings, pay accountants to make sure it’s never a problem, and essentially spend their money while keeping it too.

        It’s insane, because they essentially never have to pay taxes on anything but their personal income, and then you have grifters like musk who don’t even take salaries and just live off the loans.

    • @rayyy
      716 days ago

      Wait until the weird orange felon cashes out as soon he can, leaving all his poor investors with worthless TS stock that they mortgages their mobile homes for.

  • originalucifer
    7416 days ago

    The deal would “guarantee access to additional capital, if necessary, to pursue big strategic opportunities as we look to build out our portfolio by acquiring assets and technologies in the Patriot economy,” Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes said in a July 3 press release

    wtf is ‘the patriot economy’??

    • @aseriesoftubes
      9816 days ago

      The economy of selling worthless things to cult members.

      • @[email protected]
        1016 days ago

        I recently approached a friend asking that they seriously consider whether we would have moral issues against getting in on the grift. There was that asshole who sold patriot beer for a huge, shitty markup when the budweiser thing happened. It wasn’t even good beer. I said that we could put in incredibly little effort and make money off these rubes. My logic was that they were going to purchase stupid products like that anyway, so why not get their money ourselves.

        We went back and forth on it. We concluded that we’d only create products that 1. did no harm to marginalized groups and 2. would end up leading cultists to tell on themselves. We agreed to let the idea percolate to see if we thought there were good opportunities worth our time.

        An example of telling on themselves might be a tshirt that says, “Guess I’m deplorable,” if it were 2016. We kicked around some contemporary phrasing. Nothing has been worth making the effort, so far.

        • @[email protected]
          216 days ago

          I briefly considered doing the same. Ultimately I decided I didn’t want to take advantage of other poor people. Yes, they were probably going to spend their money anyway but I would have trouble sleeping for being part of the problem. You do you tho. I ain’t telling no one how to live

    • Admiral Patrick
      4416 days ago

      wtf is ‘the patriot economy’??


      ‘Patriot economy’ just tested better in focus groups.

    • @danc4498
      2016 days ago

      Honestly, I think this is just a call for all Trump fans to do with this stock what Reddit did with Game stop. Buy and hold until Trump can legally sell his shares and burn the stock to the ground.

      • @[email protected]
        16 days ago

        They are rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.

  • Blackout
    2216 days ago

    There would be justice if everyone got out before Trump could sell and left him holding the bag.

    • @Wrench
      2216 days ago

      Even if he sold at $1 a share, he’s going to get far more than its worth out of it.

      • AmidFuror
        1016 days ago

        Yep. It’s just another scam. Someone has to want to buy it from him. Those people will be left with something worthless, and Trump will walk away with their money.

        Not unlike how he’s made a lot of his other money.

  • @reddig33
    1516 days ago

    So when the timer runs out, will Trump sell his shares at a huge loss, or will the stock “magically” rally before he sells?

    • @Andonyx
      16 days ago

      Sadly there is no loss for him real or on paper. He only donated his name and usage rights to the company, any actual value came from suckers, and other REP. grifters. Even if each share is a cent by the time he sells, it’s still just profit for him.

      Now, if other shareholders could come together and agree that he acted against their interests, THEN he could conceivably lose money in a resulting suit.

      • @[email protected]
        216 days ago

        Unless nobody buys and the company debts are more than assets. In which case its worthless and he bankrupts another company.

        Currently its burning through a lot of money with minimal income, despite not developing their own software.

  • @[email protected]
    16 days ago

    But the lock-ups are set to expire as soon as Sept. 20, at which point Trump may choose to start selling his shares.


    The 2024 United States presidential election will be the 60th quadrennial presidential election, set to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

    So he can start to dump it a month-and-a-half before Election Day.

    This should be interesting.

    I’d sort of imagine that if I were a True Believer who had put a lot of my money into Trump Media on the promise that Trump was going to make me rich, I might be a little irked if Trump bails out.

    • @ripcord
      316 days ago

      I seriously doubt almost any of the goons or money launderers or bribers that bought the stock have done so thinking they’ll make much - or any - money.

    • @RunningInRVA
      216 days ago

      It’s going to be a race to the bottom as we approach 9/20. If he keeps tanking in the polls (he will) then so will the stock price.

  • modifier
    1216 days ago

    that is what Devin Nunes is up to these days? What an insufferable urinal cake of a human.

  • @WindyRebel
    16 days ago

    What a loser. I don’t want presidential candidates that can’t find growth in their companies. What a basement dweller. Sad.

    • @[email protected]
      16 days ago

      A month is when the lockup period for Trump ends. He may sell like 60% of the company.

      Price ain’t gonna go up if the primary owner liquidates.

      • @[email protected]
        -516 days ago

        It will go up and then he will sell and it will go back down. It won’t go up when he sells. He’s going to get it to pump

  • @[email protected]
    -616 days ago

    I’m salty I never bought any of this stock. It’s probably one of the easiest stocks to time properly to get a proper profit from. No use getting it now though, Trump killed it.