• @Tyfud
      522 days ago

      He’s a stand up guy when it matters, even if I disagree with his policies.

    • @Boddhisatva
      422 days ago

      Just because he asked for guidance on whether or not he can fire them doesn’t mean he will do so. He is also fundraising for Trump.

      “We need to send Donald Trump back to the White House,” Kemp said. “We need to retake the Senate. We need to hold the House.”

  • @cmbabul
    1622 days ago

    The two big things Trump and MAGA never understood about Georgia is first there is a very particular way the actual power in the state likes to do things, they definitely have similar goals, because they too are regressive racist sexist authoritarian assholes. But they don’t want to be perceived as being the same sort of regressive racist sexist authoritarian assholes as those crude, crass, and tawdry folks across the state lines in Tennessee, the Carolinas, Alabama, and even farther west through Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. And certainly far more civilized than that white trash parking lot south of Savannah that we won’t dignify by naming.

    This is Georgia damnit and if we’re gonna be regressive racist sexist authoritarian assholes we’re gonna do it from the shadows like a good proper genteel society. Not putting all our dirty laundry out on front street for the world to see.

    Secondly, Augusta really doesn’t like it when folks show up in their house and start telling them what to do, Trump and his cult are super presumptuous and that does not fly with high society Georgia. He’s got a bunch of followers in the state but they ain’t amongst the influential.

    Starting that golf league with the Saudis probably didn’t help either

    • @grue
      622 days ago

      As a Georgian – albeit a leftist Atlanta one, so “fake” according to these people, probably – I’m not sure that your assessment is accurate, but I hope it is.

      And certainly far more civilized than that white trash parking lot south of Savannah that we won’t dignify by naming.

      Brunswick? \s

      • @cmbabul
        222 days ago

        I was you until very recently and I grew up in Cobb! I don’t mean to insinuate that Trump can’t succeed again, or the old money will for sure stand against him, but those folks don’t like that he’s the republican candidate and are shrewd

    • @Tyfud
      2222 days ago

      If you read the article, the DNC and local democrats have already filed a lawsuit against them, and Brian Kemp, the Republican Governor who’s anti-trump, is asking for guidance from the state attorneys office on whether or not he can fire the 3 MAGA officials who made this decision.

      So there are things happening against this fascist group; but it remains to be seen whether or not the state courts will side with MAGA or the law.

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    122 days ago

    I think Trump is toast in the election (because we’re all going to FUCKING VOTE), so shit like this is what we really have to guard against. He knows he’s a little bitch who can’t win so he’s absolutely going underground to cheat and call it a win.