• @[email protected]
    1621 days ago

    Why is it that stuff written in Go always has to tell you that it is written in Go? As a user I don’t choose apps based on the language they’re written in? (Serious question.)

    • @[email protected]
      1721 days ago

      Whenever you have applications were implementations are plentiful the only real differentiation you can do without creating a different user experience is the technologies used to develop it. The importance of which in people’s perspective is several things, mostly supporting technologies they like and want to see grow and possibly being skilled in the underlying technologies to actually contribute back.

      Certain technologies are also just hot garbage, I swear to God if I have to install another electron app for some messaging platform I will shit myself.

      • SagXDOP
        520 days ago

        I can feel you in Last Part: Element, Discord, Revolt and Signal. Only TG desktop is a non-electron messaging app which I use.

    • @[email protected]
      620 days ago

      Actually… I do :/ Even though I have no idea of the programing realm, most of my self-hosted service via docker written in Go tend to be more “reliable”, faster, easy to use?

      I’m always happy to self-host somthing written in golang. But I do agree, its the new age “I use arch BTW” meme for programing language !

    • SagXDOP
      20 days ago

      Some user see Rust or Go as safer Languages. That’s all. Also, I don’t have anything else to add in Title xD.

      • @[email protected]
        20 days ago

        *Safer languages

        Also both produce single binaries (as opposed to interpreted languages like php, python, js), which is so much easier to deal with for maintenance.

        • SagXDOP
          320 days ago

          Also both produce single binaries (as opposed to interpreted languages like php, python, js), which is so much easier to deal with for maintenance.

          This is the reason for me.

    • @[email protected]
      220 days ago

      When I use open source software, I’ll usually attempt to fix any small bugs I run into. I prefer to use an app made in a language I’m more familiar with to make this easier.

  • Sunny' 🌻
    1020 days ago

    Why can’t people include just a few screenshots of their app…

    • youmaynotknow
      317 days ago

      Yup. That alone is enough for me to just ignore a software and keep moving.

  • @[email protected]
    420 days ago

    How does it compare to something like FreshRSS? Does it provide any kind of standard API? Do android RSS apps that work with hosted RSS work with this?

    220 days ago

    Pains me to no end that the only somewhat decent local RSS reader available for desktop nowadays is Thunderbird. All I want is a simple, no-frills attached local RSS reader that doesn’t make me run a whole server service just to fetch a feed.

    • @[email protected]
      120 days ago

      While I agree that there are not enough good local RSS readers, I also think that some kind of state syncing should exist. I understand why all these hosted server side RSS readers exist, but what I really want is some kind of standard way of doing local first RSS (and not just RSS, this could apply to everything we use «as a service», but let’s keep this about RSS for now).

      Imagine an RSS reader that keeps its state in a standard, well documented way, like having a folder where plaintext files keep a list of subscriptions, list of articles that are marked as read, tagged and starred articles etc., and you could just use syncthing or git to keep this folder in sync on all your devices, and you could use any RSS reader you want (be it on an android, windows, linux or anything else that follows the standard) and be able to seamlessly read your feeds and have the same state everywhere.

      A man can dream I guess…

    • conrad82
      220 days ago

      I don’t use multiple users or ldap, but miniflux supports many users. And based on this pull request it seems to have the necessary interface for ldap?


      I enjoy and recommend miniflux for rss reading. I have used it for a long time now together with flux news android app. I also use save integration with wallabag sometimes.

  • @jenny_ball
    120 days ago

    how are people using rss these days? i never found a good use for it.

    • @warmaster
      420 days ago

      Every single open source and linux related blog has an RSS feed. A reader groups all those in a single “inbox”, I save / share what I find interesting. It’s an awesome way to condense news.

    • @[email protected]
      220 days ago

      Despite not being easy to find, most news sites still have RSS feeds. They are great for just getting the news from sources I trust instead of big tech algorithm recommend blogspam. It is also possible to get RSS feeds from subreddits and Mastodon.