I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer to keep track of how hot the back of my Expedition gets. I drive pretty regularly with two dogs in the back, and over the summer and winter the temps can get a little extreme.

I need to be able to take it out to keep an eye on it remotely (it has about 1/4 mile range) but also have it not rolling around while I drive.

There was a coin holder there that I popped out, and used as a template for an insert to keep this mounted semi-permanently.

Printed with kinda crappy Amazon Basics PETG. If it holds up well, I’ll reprint it with better quality black PETG so it matches the car better.

  • @[email protected]
    418 days ago

    I’m curious how it holds up as well. I was printing a little deflector for my air vent out of regular PLA, and on an 85 degree day the PLA warped in just a couple of hours. I finally have a design I’m happy with, I just need to print in a better material and all I’ve ever printed in is PLA.

    • Beamrunner_Ka-tet
      618 days ago

      Try petg. It prints just as nice as pla. I run it full speed on a 5m no problem.

      • @[email protected]
        218 days ago

        I think I bought a spool of PETG a while back. I know I have two spools of ABS that I haven’t touched yet, but that was very much for a reason. I’ll be near micro center this weekend so I’ll have to dig through my box of filament before then.

    • @mipadaituOP
      218 days ago

      We’ve had a couple 100 degree F days, and the thermometer read 110° a couple times, and the plastic seems to be fine (so far).

      It’s mostly out of the sun, since it’s low on the dashboard, so I expect it’ll hold up.

      • @[email protected]
        118 days ago

        Mine is sadly right in the window, but I might get tint at some point so that should help.

        I see you have a window shade, but do you also have tint? On 100f days my interior gets well over 110 even with my shade up.

  • @[email protected]
    218 days ago

    Looks nice. Silver works too as it matches the device. Pretty specific application, but urge you to share it somewhere - someone will find it useful.

    • @mipadaituOP
      318 days ago

      Yeah, the clip mount is actually the useful part, cause a few of the Fords since 2018 have the same coin holder, and people can use that as a basis for other options.

      Once it’s done I’ll share that part, and maybe the whole thing as two separate files.