Can we at least agree that this desecration is abhorrent?
She’s not going to press charges so the fascists win again because she’s afraid.
Yeah, she’s in the fucking army dude. She also is assigned a very important detail and has her own career to think about. If she chose to press charges I’m sure every MAGAt in her chain of command would try their best to fuck her over. The military is just as political as any other part of the government which makes this seem like self preservation on her part.
Remember, friend, no one in this world gives a fuck about you, as much as you do.
ETA: Dr. Bob has pointed out that she is a civilian employee and not a soldier. I’m sure she has to deal with similar political machinations as the service members she works with but still an important distinction.
They’re going to do it for sure now since they know she doesn’t press charges. Then they’ll pull something like this again and again.
Yep! Fascists love weakness. I give them an inch and the next thing you know, they take a yard, shoot you, then bury you under it.
She is a civilian member. As you were.
Good catch, I now see they refer to her as “ANC employee” instead of soldier or service member. I didn’t realize that when I read it initially.
What the fuck does this mean? That because they are in the army they’re some Jason Bourne untouchable operator?
Why can’t people in the army be afraid of terroristic violence from unknown, numerous actors?
Like other comments have said, this employee is not in the army
But members of the military swear an oath to protect the country against foreign and domestic enemies, and to defend and uphold the constitution
Trump and his ilk are domestic enemies, and declining to press charges certainly isn’t defending against them. It’s more like allowing them to wipe their ass with the constitution. And in the grand scheme, is maga more of a threat than if you got shipped off to a war? Because you agreed to the possibility of the latter if you signed up for the military.
Bullshit that anyone thinks it’s the role of a rank and file soldier to stand up to a former president, current presidential candidate, and their base on their own. Soldier or not.
Expecting that is attacking the little guy and is very shitty behavior.
In a warzone not everyone is in a combat role, and all of them have the support and guidance of their command structure. They aren’t expected to take on the world themselves.
former president, current presidential candidate
That’s a lot of words to say “ordinary private civilian,” that’s all trump is right now, same as you and me. He has no legal authority over anyone.
And expecting that should be the bare minimum we expect from members of the military. They are expected to disobey illegal orders if they receive them, if they’re not willing to stand up to an ordinary civilian, how can they be expected to stand up to a commanding officer ordering them to commit war crimes? At that point they’re no better than a Nazi concentration camp guard who was “only following orders.”
In a warzone not everyone is in a combat role
Until your base, convoy, ship, etc. is attacked, and then suddenly you find yourself in combat. Or until circumstances change and you end up getting reassigned to a combat position because that’s where you’re needed. Even if you’re just there to work on computers, fix humvees, dig ditches, etc. there’s a reason you still got the same basic training with a rifle and such as the guys who signed up to play soldier. It’s a small chance of those things happening, but a very real one.
This is just a whole lot of Dwight schruting.
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if tfa is accurate we finally some confirmation that a physical battery took place. that mask just keep slipping, doesn’t it…
It sucks…I feel for the service member…civilian or not…but speaking out against leadership is always a bad career move. Always.
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Ughhh is this the same mierdas “news” that I keep seeing on YouTube every goddamn day with their bullshit Trump DESTROYED by bird flying overhead. Trump received DEVASTATING ruling by Grandma. Trump campaign RUINED by lukewarm cheeseburger. Trump DIED because Kamala exists.
I refuse to click on anything that resorts to that kind of absolute nonsense bullshit clickbait… Every single day Trump was DEFEATED according to these chucklefucks…
Since it’s the biggest political news today, maybe you can read about it in tomorrow’s newspaper!