• @Rapidcreek
    5820 days ago

    Thiel has no kids, why should he worry about elections?

    In fact, all his money and his vote should go to a mother with underage children.

  • @vegetaOP
    4120 days ago

    JD Vance: just a common man of the people everyone.

  • @Nastybutler
    2620 days ago

    Even a piece of shit like Thiel knows a bad investment when he sees one

  • @psmgx
    1020 days ago

    Throwing good money after bad. You don’t need Palantir to see that Trump is tanking hard. Money spent on him will end up wasted, and Thiel has plenty of other levers to pull.

  • @Kintarian
    1020 days ago

    Rats leaping from a sinking ship

  • @ATDA
    318 days ago

    Come on help us out we keep insulting veterans and getting killed in here!

  • @[email protected]
    117 days ago

    Publicly shaming someone into giving you money and justifying it by saying "it’s okay, we go way back" is so tacky .

    Also Peter Thiel isn’t just politically exhausted, he’s financially exhausted. Far from broke but exhausted after spending untold millions in the last decade on a political investment that hasn’t really panned out, thus his recent distancing from Trump & Co.