• BarqsHasBite
    1 year ago

    Christians think gay people try to spread gayness because Christians try to spread Christianity. It’s projection.

    That’s why they project indoctrinating your kids, teaching it in school, having a gay country, having gay agenda, because that’s what they want to do with Christianity.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      21 year ago

      Thank you for making me finally understand their twisted logic! I’m a bit embarrassed that I never considered that angle but thankful for your pointing it out!

  • @[email protected]
    301 year ago

    I think quite a few homophobic people are actually gay and think that everyone is experiencing their struggle.

    I’m straight, and really not afraid that anything is going to convert me.

    • BarqsHasBite
      71 year ago

      Many are bi, so for them it’s a choice on whether or not to act on it. So they project that it’s a choice for everyone. And the gays are choosing it because they’re lustful or sinful or weak or whatever.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Or rapist-like. I had a friend that came after me. Meanwhile when I was in highschool him and his friends used to come to highschool parties to fuck with drunk girls and steal from the house. Dude is the biggest removed. Look up ape the grim on youtube, he’s a rapper.

      Dude is a fucking narcissistic psychopath criminal. And I mean that in the realest way. I’ve known him my whole life… I think he’s part of a gang/mob that has a body count. Dude shot a gun outside my house. Seen photos of him throwing up the blood handsign and he made a song that was pro jjan 6th coup. Hiphops Hitler from west Epping, NH, near the used car shop hist step family owns that’s probably dirty too. Dudes the most evil narcissistic person I ever met. All of his ex girlfriends left the state he’s such a piece of shit.

      Work is he fucked with his new girlfriend kids and tricks them into believing God. I swear this guy is a psychopath that thinks he’s actually God from the old testament.

      Dudes dad was wanted by the fbi. We used to look for his dad’s photo on the posters around town when we were kids.

      Hugest piece of shit human I have ever been in touch with and I hope no one ever has to deal with a cunt like him.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Yep. And add to that the fact that all Catholic priests decided against a traditional family for themselves and prefer whatever it is they are doing.

        • @Alvinum
          11 year ago

          Well, to be fair: using captive children for sex is what Moses commanded.

          Numbers 31:17-18

          17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

          18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

          If you want to have a bad afternoon, read this report on how the Vatican systematically protected and promoted known rapist to some of thehighest offices.


  • NegativeLookBehind
    251 year ago

    Ahoy impoverished native tribe! We’ve arrived in your lands uninvited and we’ll kill you all if you don’t accept our lord and savior into your hearts.

    • @[email protected]
      331 year ago

      An Inuit hunter asked the local missionary priest: ‘If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?’ ‘No,’ said the priest, ‘not if you did not know.’ ‘Then why,’ asked the Inuit earnestly, ‘did you tell me?’

      — Annie Dillard

  • MrJameGumb
    121 year ago

    It took a little while, but they eventually learned not to knock on my door anymore lol After several tense encounters where I brought up the more unsavory parts of the Bible I finally got a doormat that just said “go away” on it. I think I was put on a list after that because that doormat wore out almost 3 years ago and no one from the local churches have ever come back here since

    • teft
      61 year ago

      Tell them you are disfellowshipped. They aren’t allowed to talk to you and have to leave.

      • @philthi
        11 year ago

        You can also just request to be put on their “do not call” list, it’s more polite and less lying.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      We just have them do chores for us.

      They’ll happily now our lawn or trim the trees. Just make sure it’s outdoor stuff and don’t invite them inside

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    The door to door is for brainwashing. They are sent out to get used to rejection from anyone that isn’t already part of the cult and it becomes deeply rooted belief that nobody else cares about them etc. Anyone that actually joins(yeah right) is bonus.

  • @paddirn
    61 year ago

    And the gay people that are being included are just sort of token characters, scenes, or facets of a character that can easily be removed if another country finds them objectionable. They’re like “Pride Month” characters just there to show “We’re being inclusive, see?!”

    MEANWHILE, Christians have to make whole fucking movies about their faith. You can’t just have a character who also happens to be Christian and tries to be a good person, nope, it’s got to be Christ-man, the avenging Christian super-hero who worships our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    • @Misconduct
      31 year ago

      I was just recently saying this. It must be so frustrating for so much of their “representation” to just be a stereotypical caricature like almost every time. This applies to pretty much any underrepresented group too. That or always getting stuck with a repurposed character which rarely seems to go very well.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      They are called professional gays. The ones that build themselves an image of flamboyant in your face look at me gayness. I was taught this by an older gay man. They aren’t to be included with real gays. They are to be treated like your average POS narcissistic celebrity.

  • @Daisyifyoudo
    51 year ago

    LPT: if witnesses come to your house and you want them to leave immediately, just tell them that you are an apostate and they will go without any further interaction

      • @philthi
        21 year ago

        Well… They would, but solely hoping to eventually talk you around to seeing their “the truth”

    • @Viking_Hippie
      21 year ago

      I tried that but accidentally said apostle and now they’re camped out in my yard!