Whoa. Don’t put your dick in crazy
Whoa. Don’t put your dick in crazy
Homemade pizzas on the internet usually look like garbage. This looks dope af and I would buy a pie from you, sir or madam
Burn it to the ground 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Edit- or feel free to keep taking it. Put up with the same media that between 2014-16 published THOUSANDS of articles about Hillary Clinton’s emails and benghazi and next to nothing about the truth and dangers of that mutant trump. Keep taking it like good consumers. Let Billionaire agendas influence and control the narrative of your lives. Keep paying into the system that empowers plutocracy and divides us as a nation and is destroying the fabric of society and our planet just so some assholes that couldn’t spend their entire wealth in multiple lifetimes can add a few more zeros onto their bank statement.
Calls 'em like I sees 'em there, dumbdumb
How’s the Oberon Eclipse? I was deciding between that and the Lager of Lakes today and went with the latter but I’m curious!
You need to be more clear. I don’t know what the fuck youre taking about.
Are you trying to make some weird connection between LiBeRaLs and the fact that several people in this thread are dunking on organized religion?? Because if you are, that has nothing to do with politics. That’s religion. And they are very separate entities, even if there’s a fuckton of conservative religious weirdos trying to push their agendas. But you can adhere to any political affiliation and still recognize that believing in magic is primitive.
I don’t think you’re cut out for abstract thought. Or maybe thinking in general. Don’t feel bad though. Not everyone is well equipped for thinking.
I don’t know who you think is excusing their stupidity and ignorance. Certainly not me. I was just pointing out that not all GOPers are evil assholes, some of them are just idiots
What does this even mean??
They’re not all hypocritical biggots. Some of them are just plain stupid.
What show?
It’s also allowed then to connect with one another. Pre- digital age, every village had their idiot. Now every village idiot can share their stupidity with one another instantly.
that’s one of the things in TPM that makes the least sense
that’s your biggest complaint?
How exactly did you draw that conclusion??
If we armed all 6yros this wouldn’t happen
That’s one of the things in TPM that makes the least sense to me. They’re on Tatooine, Jar-Jar is an aquatic creature. Why go into the desert?? Stay. On. The. Ship.
I have a Great Pyrenees and couldn’t agree more. Not super surprised about killing the coyotes either; my GP is insanely sweet to familiar humans but has a viciousness towards strange animals like I’ve never seen in another dog before. And those coyotes were probably a 1/4 of its size.
Mike Johnson is…
(not mine, but worth sharing and adding to)
I agree. Shape is mostly irrelevant. That pie looks delicous!