Just as a poorly covered house, is penetrated by rain; so is an untrained mind, penetrated by passion.

– DhammaPada Verse 13

Just as a well-covered house, is not penetrated by rain; so is a well-trained mind, not penetrated by passion.

– DhammaPada Verse 14

Picture: Angkor Wat Temple Tree, Cambodia

Related Teachings:

Causes for Diverse Perceptions, Intentions, Passions, Quests (SN 14.7) - The diverse external elements of sense experience give rise to diverse perceptions, intentions, desires, passions, and quests.

All is Burning (SN 35.28) - The “all” consisting of the six interior and exterior sense bases is burning.

Tranquility and Insight (AN 2.31) - Cultivation of tranquility and insight play a part in the realization of the path.