I guess that’s one way to distract away from the fact that you can’t afford to repair your fender bender.
That’s totally not DUI related either
“A bumper and a tail light is $4k, but Truth Social is free and FedEd office is hanging a sale on banner printing.”
Every time. Show me angry writing on a piece-of-shit car riddled with grammatical and/or spelling errors, and I’ll show you a Republican voter.
Ensure you’re registered to vote, vote, and encourage others to vote!
I’ve seen one that seemed to be an exception to the rule. It was an RV covered mostly in anti-Congress, anti-corperation, anti-vax, anti-Isreal, anti-China, anti-Russia, and anti-CIA stuff. It called out several notable politicians from both sides as well as the entirety of the CIA for being pedophiles. There was a complete and surprising lack of culture war stuff and a couple equally surprising mentions of the war on drugs being bullshit. No racism that I noticed, no flags or symbols, and no direct mention of the police or military. It was parked near a stop sign on my way to work for several weeks and I feel like I noticed something new and confusing about it every time I drove by.
My best guess is that the owner doesn’t vote at all.
What you saw there was a libertarian. Think “Republicans with ADHD”.
It’s all the hatred and paranoia of a Republican, without the ability to focus.
That’s what I thought at first but there was a bunch of anti-cooperation stuff and those guys usually love big business. Maybe anarchist but I’d expect to see some iteration of ACAB if that was the case. I eventually gave up on trying to label them.
Seems like an extreme version of libertarianism.
Just make sure your kids finish school.
Jest maque shore yoar chids fennish skule
Right? I can’t believe he capitalized the ‘a’
I paid back my student loans. I also paid over twice the amount I borrowed due to interest. I don’t think we should be cancelling student loans, I think we need to be cancelling interest on student loans. The
governmenttax payers should not be making profit on student borrowing.Who is the primary beneficiary of an educated workforce?
Perhaps they should be paying for it instead of just reaping the profits? Through business taxes.
Who is the primary beneficiary of an indebted workforce?
Considering how much more expensive tuition is, I’m OK with them Cancelling the whole loan.
The loans allowed colleges to raise tuitions by astronomical levels. The answer is regulate their pricing and the cancel.
If the loans were cancelled, it just means the borriwer doesn’t get to act upon the loan and get back his money - no taxpayer money needed.
Are the loans not privately Held? Cause the government cancelling loans held by companies would be unreasonable seasure, and require reimbursement.
Some are, some are not.
Loans should be cancelled and college tuition should be covered by taxes, as well as trade school and certain tools they need in trades to an equivalent value of a college education.
Seems like an even keeled, rational person who I would definitely take advice from.
Your a dumb.
My what?!
Don’t act like you don’t know, I paid for your fancy degree.
… s o b (son ova bitch)
son of bitch
I read this as “Vote for Biden, you dumb, sonofabitch.”
What does that even mean?
“If you don’t like what God gave you 🖕”
Yeah, 🖕 you too, nobody is forcing you to have bottom surgery. What business of yours are the genitals of passer-bys?
I’m my experience only perverts care about others genitals
It’s a bit of the old Alexander Pope
Cease then, nor ORDER Imperfection name: Our proper bliss depends on what we blame. Know they own point: This kind, this due degree Of blindness, weakness, Heav’n bestows on thee. Submit – In this, or any other sphere, Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear: Safe in the hand of one disposing Pow’r, Or in the natal, or the mortal hour. All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee; All Chance, Direction, which thou canst not see; All Discord, Harmony, not understood; All partial Evil, universal Good: And, spite of Pride, in erring Reason’s spite, One truth is clear, “Whatever IS, is RIGHT.”
Basically do not question why the preteen orphaned chimney sweeps cough up their lungs in the snow. Walk on by secure in the knowledge that they suffer at the will of God’s grace… not because of the inaction and cupidity of their fellow man that treats them as sacrifices for the common good oh no no no…
It never changes with these godly types.
Fuck you for posting my car here.
Also, to all the assholes saying that my drunk driving damaged my fender, fuck you. It was a failed insurance fraud scheme.
I don’t believe the owner of this car could be smart enough to register an account on a Lemmy instance.
The bashed tailight and dented hood is the cherry on top
Looks like the bumper is missing too
Those things are perfect for this. It’s like their opinion is so popular that someone fucked up their car on purpose.
Well I don’t know about you guys, but I sure am convinced.
And parked like cunt also, to the surprise of no one!
You’re, you dumb S.O.B.
If god made men with a penis and women with a vagina he also made trans people with a brain that disagrees.
“He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly.” - George Carlin
This is what’s hilarious about that ‘logic’. If you think god made everything and is omnipotent, then he also made everything you get upset about.
deleted by creator
Or, maybe this person is a radical feminist who believes that all brains are the same, and gender is entirely a social construct! /s
It does seem odd how people often omit the contradiction between “women are more than their parts” and “gender is a construct”.
All those bumper stickers don’t give them enough attention, apparently, so they decided to take up 2 parking spots, too
Excuse me, those are bumper banners.
This guy wants to fuck Biden!
Also “fuck biden” but censored fuckin’?
I guess he’s ok with that word but bought the sign about loans with it already censored. I don’t know what I think of the use of a different font for “college student”. On the one hand changing fonts like that is ugly, but on the other hand it’s clever to use a font similar to the one a lot of colleges use in their logos. I do like the appropriate use of the apostrophe instead of the missing “g”.
Edit: maybe if it was on a separate line?
Pay your F$#N’ loan!
Tax payers won’t.
(I’m not sure how to rephrase that last part to make it grammatically correct without changing the meaning.)