
Not surprising in the least as a lot of people figured she’d be on her way out the door once D’Amore was canned (they are engaged for those not in the know). Expectations are that she ends up in Maple Leaf Pro but I could see her doing the indie rounds easily as well.

  • katy ✨
    16 days ago

    aside from wrestling shes a pretty big inspiration for me as a trans girl i loved her documentary about coming out and im so glad tna supported her. she’ll obviously turn up in maple leaf but i really do hope for a run in roh too because id love to see her and ember.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      616 days ago

      She’s got a lot of friends between ROH/AEW, I have no doubt she’ll pop in at least on occasion, especially assuming MLP doesn’t get a tv deal (as I cannot imagine ‘new small Canadian indie wrestling company’ gets a tv deal lol).

      • katy ✨
        415 days ago

        yeah this is the way; i love when talent can go from company to company just having fun without contracts so i hope that more companies can work together like this :)

        • GeekFTWOPM
          315 days ago

          Same. We’ve had too many decades of ‘You work for us and us alone so go fuck yourself if you don’t like it’. The post-pandemic, post-AEW wrestling world isn’t putting up with that anymore. Life’s too short to not wanna see meaty people slapping meat across company lines.

          • katy ✨
            415 days ago

            of course i’d also like the same companies to get together and push for unionisation and benefits too to make sure they get paid fairly too :)

            • GeekFTWOPM
              415 days ago

              We want em to push but that’s the one I don’t think they’ll get ever unless if a company starts up unionized from the get-go. Fucking business is too carny still until another generation of people run through management and clear out the old chaf.

              Hell look at this shit from today/yesterday from Konnan (who I know isn’t exactly a stellar example of ‘good promoter’:

              All these shits need to retire or die first before unions will be a thing in wrestling.

      • GeekFTWOPM
        215 days ago

        Takeshita as well. Scott ain’t stupid, he knows AEW/ROH will 100% work with him and clearly is and that’s real good for both parties. Also got ELP from NJ, Yamashita from TJ. Working with AEW-ROH is gonna be worth it for the connections alone, especially for access to Rocky who helps facilitate a lot of this stuff.

        • Stefan aka DJ Speedy
          315 days ago

          @GeekFTW ooh sorry forgot takeshita 😉

          that wasnt a “i dont like that they are open to work with eachother”

          i love that TK works with scott 👍

  • GeekFTWOPM
    516 days ago

    Also a pretty big blow to the Knockouts division, especially with them almost certainly losing Grace by end of year as well, and having lost Purrazzo and Trinity not too long ago comparably.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    016 days ago

    Earlier I said I saw Odyssey Jones was released, and my reaction was “…who?”

    And now I see Gisele Shaw has been released from TNA.


    • GeekFTWOPM
      15 days ago

      Dude, If ya don’t know Odyssey Jones, that’s one thing. If you’re only watching the main roster and not NXT then he’s only ‘been around’ for a literal month and now is gone. Blink and you can miss him.

      If ya don’t know Gisele Shaw then you don’t watch TNA period cause she’s been on screen for 3 years and ya probably shouldn’t comment on stuff you don’t watch cause ya can’t have an opinion on it lol. Look the people up at least, ignorance helps no one.

      I don’t watch the NHL but I ain’t going to the hockey community and going “Who?!” after the news of the guy who died last week lol.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        -115 days ago

        Oh, I don’t watch WWE in general, or TNA. But I still know who Moose is, and Joe Hendry, and Jordanne Grace.

        The top people in a promotion tend to make waves, and headlines. And then there’s people who just sit on a roster, appear regularly, play their part, and nobody talks about them.

        With NHL it’s even worse, because you have Wayne Gretzgy, and then a WHOLE LOTTA “who?” since the league founded over 100 years ago. But their problem is that NHL fans don’t really talk about NHL to anyone. So non-fans never hear the names, or know who’s a good player. Same problem with the MLB.

        My dad HATES wrestling. Like he actively detests it. He still knows Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and The Rock. I’m unclear if he knows John Cena or Ric Flair, but he’s demonstrated proof that he knows the others I mentioned by name. Because society talks about those guys. Or at least they did when they wrestled. But I could fully understand why he wouldn’t know who Shelton Benjamin is.

        • @[email protected]M
          115 days ago

          Oh, I don’t watch WWE in general, or TNA. But I still know who Moose is, and Joe Hendry, and Jordanne Grace.

          This disqualifies your opinion of “I’ve never heard of this person, so they don’t matter.”

          The top people in a promotion tend to make waves, and headlines. And then there’s people who just sit on a roster, appear regularly, play their part, and nobody talks about them.

          If you’re not watching in the first place, why do you feel the need to express an opinion? The “big names” don’t just instantly burst into household name status, everyone starts as bottom of the barrel fodder. Even the people who found fame outside wrestling, still had to build themselves up in some way. The stars don’t align for everyone to become recognized outside of their weekly audience, and you don’t need to shit on them for it.

          But more importantly this:

          The top people in a promotion tend to make waves, and headlines.

          The people in question are literally making headlines, and you’re still playing the “who?” card.

          With NHL it’s even worse, because you have Wayne Gretzgy, and then a WHOLE LOTTA “who?” since the league founded over 100 years ago. But their problem is that NHL fans don’t really talk about NHL to anyone. So non-fans never hear the names, or know who’s a good player. Same problem with the MLB.

          And if this were an NHL forum, and you were acting like anyone who isn’t the The Great One is irrelevant, even though you don’t watch the NHL, we’d be having this same conversation.

          My dad HATES wrestling. Like he actively detests it. He still knows Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and The Rock. I’m unclear if he knows John Cena or Ric Flair, but he’s demonstrated proof that he knows the others I mentioned by name. Because society talks about those guys. Or at least they did when they wrestled. But I could fully understand why he wouldn’t know who Shelton Benjamin is.

          Your father’s opinion on wrestling and knowledge of certain wrestling personalities is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    • @[email protected]M
      215 days ago

      All of your “who is this wrestler?” questions can be solved in seconds thanks to a new internet invention called “search engines”. They seem to be the latest online fad, as there’s Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, just to name a few. They’ve only been around for a couple decades, so I can understand why you might not have heard of them.

      Tap for spoiler

      Big freakin’ /s in case it isn’t obvious.

      In all seriousness, save yourself the down votes and use Google, or whatever your preferred search may be.

      • katy ✨
        315 days ago

        thanks to a new internet invention called “search engines”

        i heard they have the internet on computers now