• @Today
    3014 days ago

    Trump lies…

    Make that your headline and you can use it for every article about him.

    • @Boddhisatva
      2214 days ago

      How about Trump lies while breaking federal law that prohibits partisan campaign photography or filming at Arlington?

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      Its salon, but at least they used the word “lies.”

      “Misspoke, misattributed, made misstatements, incorrectly stated” on and on is what most media says when he lies.

  • @[email protected]
    2314 days ago

    Trump’s phrasing suggests that no troops were killed in Afghanistan during the last 18 months of his presidency, which an analysis of the Defense Casualty Analysis System, a Department of Defense database, proves to be false. The Washington Post confirmed that there was no 18-month period in Trump’s presidency that did not see combat fatalities in Afghanistan; during the last 18 months of his presidency before Biden took over, the database shows 12 deaths from hostile action in that period.

    It’s so tiring how his braindead supporters swallow everything he says without critical thought.

    • @Sweetpeaches69
      1214 days ago

      They’re such good little Trump cum sluts, though. They lap up all of what he tells them to.