New York Times: Analysis of 3.2M+ Telegram messages from 16K+ channels shows how the app is inundated with criminal activity, CSAM, drug dealers, white nationalists, and more — Drug dealers, scammers and white nationalists openly conduct business and spread toxic speech on the platform …
Yeah, that’s cool. But the reason for this manufactured consent is Gaza and citizens around using it to organize against their corrupt governments.
You’ll note that none of this was a problem until the owner refused to do Israel’s bidding. Not the drug dealers, scammers, nazis, none of it. Why do you think that is?
A simple solution would be something that looks at attachments only…
But that’s never brought up, it’s always all or nothing.
Is there a word for this? Intellectual dishonesty doesn’t seem to fit.
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I don’t know what CSAM is but I’m also afraid to Google it.
CSAM = child sexual abuse material.
i think thats child porn/abuse if im not mistaken
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If you think that’s bad, do the same thing for phone calls.
#Fuck your FUD