With just days to go before his first — and likely only — debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump posted a warning on his social media site threatening to jail those “involved in unscrupulous behavior” this election, which he said would be under intense scrutiny.

“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” Trump wrote, again sowing doubt about the integrity of the election, even though cheating is incredibly rare.

“Please beware,” he went on, “that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

  • @[email protected]
    17511 days ago

    Straight out of the fascist playbook. Claiming the election is stolen before voting has even taken place.

    Yet the GOP is the one with a fake elector scheme.

    • @LEDZeppelin
      7511 days ago

      Also from Nazi playbook - accuse your opponents for exactly what you are doing

    • @[email protected]
      1810 days ago

      Claiming the election is stolen before voting has even taken place.

      He’s been doing that since 2015

  • @Bwaz
    8410 days ago

    When did Presidential power start to include the power to jail whoever you want? Why does anyone even imagine that might be an ok situation?

    I lost any general respect for nearly half of my fellow citizens in 2016, it hasnt improved a lot since.

    • @[email protected]
      1610 days ago

      Just watched Vice again last night. Supposed to be a bit funny but it is chilling. The seeds for this degree of power started around Nixon / Regan but only now are we about to see the kind of power Cheney worked for. Now even he fears this power.

    • @danc4498
      710 days ago

      I lost respect for them when George W sent 4k American youths to their death for oil. Destroyed the Middle East. And killed countless middle easterners. His VP made hundreds of millions a of dollars while in office assisting in this destruction.

      And they reelected him cause the other guy might have changed his opinion about things.

      • Null User Object
        3310 days ago

        They both have the same goals

        Absolutely unadulterated bullshit. You either have no clue what you’re talking about or you are a foreign operative here intentionally trying to undermine democracy. GTFO!

        • @sakodak
          -810 days ago

          Let me ask you a question, what’s keeping you from running and winning the presidency?

          I mean, outside of political experience.

          I’ll answer for you: you don’t have the backing of billionaires to fund your campaign.

          You don’t get to be a viable candidate for president in the US if you don’t promise to kowtow to the oligarchy. Everything else is window dressing.

          Yes, some are worse than others. But the bottom line is that all of them prioritize the interests of the oligarchs over the interests of the people.

          • Null User Object
            1710 days ago

            Doesn’t fucking matter. It’s not a perfect system, but it’s the system we have, so I WILL participate in it, and I will fight to improve it. People like you working to demoralize people out of participating in and improving the system are the enemy… foreign or domestic.

            • @sakodak
              -910 days ago

              I didn’t tell you not to participate. It’s pointless at the federal level, but you knock yourself out, chief.

              When nothing changes and we’re back here again in four years this will be in your head and maybe you’ll think about doing something different. My job is done.

              I’m not your enemy. The oligarchs want us divided and you’re playing into their hands.

              • Null User Object
                1010 days ago

                I’m playing into their hands?!?! What the fuck am I doing that plays into their hands? What should I do that’s different? You’re not offering any solutions. You’re the one here just giving the hopeless vibes. If anyone is playing into anybody’s hands to undermine democracy, you’ll find them in the mirror. До свидания.

                • @sakodak
                  -210 days ago

                  Yes. The elites want to keep us on the edge of sustainability and at each other’s throats in order to keep us from seeing what’s right in front of our eyes. They build their empires on our backs. They exploit us and take the fruits of our labor and sell them back to us at unaffordable prices. You resorting to thought terminating cliches, insinuating I’m a Russian bot or troll is playing right into that.

                  I’m not your enemy. I’m a person who has a different perspective than you. I think you’re a potential ally in the coming struggle, and I don’t hate you for not sharing my ideology.

                  “What should I do that’s different?”

                  First, arm yourself and train. Second, educate yourself. Third organize.

                  This system is collapsing, and that collapse is accelerating. It would be in your interest to prepare for that.

                  You should read political and economic philosophy. If you can’t articulate why someone would be attracted to Trump without resorting to insults you could probably use a little exposure to things outside your comfort zone. I’d recommend reading “A people’s history of the United States” by Howard Zinn to see how the elites in this country have employed propaganda and force to suppress movements that dare to threaten the ruling class (and the atrocities we commit overseas in order to prop up our empire.) After that, the classics of the left have some pretty good ideas for how to organize a society.

                  Organize. Join or form a union. Participate in mutual aid networks. Learn what prefiguration is and try your best to help prepare for what comes after. Build networks both on and offline and share ideas, challenge each other.

                  Question your own beliefs and ideology. Try to look at them with fresh eyes. Follow them to their logical conclusions.

                  “If anyone is playing into anybody’s hands to undermine democracy”

                  Friend, democracy was undermined in this country before it ever had a chance to get off the ground. It was founded to pursue the interests of white land and slave owning rich men and hasn’t changed much in the intervening time.

                  The “good” thing is that capitalism is unsustainable and will collapse under its own weight - we just have to hope it does so before it kills us all and that we still have a chance to salvage the planet.

        • @SirDerpy
          -3810 days ago

          Absolutely unadulterated bullshit. You either have no clue what you’re talking about or you are a foreign operative here intentionally trying to undermine democracy. GTFO!

          Shallow understanding, a lack of reasoning, and false dichotomy won’t get you far as a programmer. You’ll stagnate in the exploitation stage.

            • @SirDerpy
              -810 days ago

              I stopped working with them. I’m much happier for it.

  • @[email protected]
    8210 days ago

    I’ve long known that when this country slips into fascism, my name will be on a list. I won’t be on the first list or the second list. But I’ll be on one of them. And eventually, they’ll come for me.

    Orange bad is the one that wants to make it a reality right now.

    • @SirDerpy
      2010 days ago

      If you don’t have dependants then I encourage you to get your name on that first list. We’ll die together, without regret, our dignity intact.

      • @Riccosuave
        1510 days ago

        I ain’t going out without a fight. I guaran-fucking-tee you that.

        • @SirDerpy
          1010 days ago

          Remember that the opponent never communicates in good faith. There’s only two languages they understand: money and physical violence.

      • @[email protected]
        610 days ago

        Fuck that. If the orange bad 2.0 happens I’m getting the fuck out. I started thinking about it during the pan, when it became evident how much I hate a third of our population. Then we got a reprieve and I decided to hang because I genuinely love where I live (Bay Area). But I’m ready to take off in the first couple months of 2025 if I need to. I’m not doing that shit again.

        But I agree. Antagonize them endlessly.

        • @SirDerpy
          -510 days ago

          But I agree. Antagonize them endlessly.

          My goal is not to antagonize. We do not agree.

          I genuinely love where I live (Bay Area)

          The people are of much higher quality on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada.

    • @rayyy
      1610 days ago

      Be prepared, but not in fear. Also, Kamala Harris will win but the weird orange felon will certainly try to call in his goon squad and the Extreme Court.

  • Flying Squid
    7211 days ago

    He’s going to start calling for their deaths any time now.

  • Em Adespoton
    6110 days ago

    “Please beware,” he went on, “that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

    What people don’t quite grasp is that he means exactly what he says.

    He considers, for example, being a lawyer to be “unscrupulous behavior”. As is donating to anyone but himself. Or voting for anyone but him.

  • @vegeta
    2811 days ago

    I am the Law

    Trump Dredd

  • @[email protected]
    2510 days ago

    Going to Prison if you Insult the President is called FREEDOM and EXACTLY what the Founders Intended!

  • @rickdg
    2411 days ago

    #1 Maduro fan in the US

    • @linearchaos
      2611 days ago

      One of the lawyers he didn’t pay

  • @[email protected]
    1811 days ago

    The debate (Tuesday night?) is going to be a REAL shitshow. Hope the moderators/network don’t protect him too much but expecting at least one n-word and a few unprompted threats of retribution to both democrats and republicans.

    • @[email protected]
      110 days ago

      The people who live blog fact checking will likely need an open bar right next to them to get though it.

    • @[email protected]
      210 days ago

      Never thought we’d need a constitutional amendment that spells out the president and all elected and non elected government workers are subject to all the laws of the United States in the exact same way civilians are. But here we are.

      How do we get this passed, folks?

  • @cosmicrookie
    1610 days ago

    This will probably only extend to the democratic voters who allegedly cheated. The republican cheaters are just part of the process