I’m fully just calling the “gender affirming care bans” what they are, bans on trans minors, because somebody on the main subReddit pointed out that the child brides in all of these red states do not have restrictions on ‘their’ boob jobs.

  • @disguy_ovahea
    6 months ago

    Why is it so hard for conservatives to just go live their own lives and let others do the same?

    They love business so much yet they can’t seem to mind their own.

    • @DerArzt
      56 months ago

      Humans love to have an outside group that they can ascribe boogie man status to.

      • ivanafterall ☑️
        36 months ago

        Definitely. Also, a huge number of religious conservatives are way, way, way sexually repressed, which turns into “if I don’t get to have it, nobody should.”

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      This always blows me away when they call for FREEDOM.

      Freedom to own a gun and say whatever you want, put whatever you want in your body.

      But then it’s like Ban books, stop wokeness, don’t use those bathrooms, no to that medical care, etc over and over.

  • @Hugin
    306 months ago

    I live in Florida. My three trans friends have all left for better states. I totally get why but I miss my friends.

      • @TriflingToad
        186 months ago

        why didn’t I think of that? why didn’t I magically get the hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a house somewhere else?

        • @Manifish_Destiny
          26 months ago

          Bro if you’re even thinking you could afford a house you’re doing better than a lot of us.

  • MrTomS
    296 months ago

    Would be interesting to see how the map compares to abortion restrictions

    Small government seems to find it’s way between folks & their Dr

    • @JusticeForPorygon
      206 months ago

      Nebraska’s trans care ban came bundled with abortion restrictions! Like a deluxe package!

    • nocturne
      36 months ago

      New Mexico also has full abortion access, to the point we are advertising in Texas that we have reproductive rights. i am unsure about the others, but I do not within the last two weeks there was a map published somewhere on Lemmy about abortion care in the US.

    • @DerArzt
      16 months ago

      I would also love to see this in relation to religiosity. I have a feeling there may be a correlation there.

  • @Zirconium
    206 months ago

    Keep in mind these states (as far as I know one is Florida) have exemptions to perform on intersex children without consent

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    Radical that this map includes Puerto Rico. Here’s hoping we see it and other “territories” better represented in the future!

  • @psycho_driver
    106 months ago

    Somewhat proud of my red state for being green on this map. Hopefully it stays that way.

  • @KellysNokia
    76 months ago

    Are there any quality long term studies on the outcome of surgery as a child?

    While it’s my understanding treatment is more effective when provided sooner rather than later, I don’t know if I would have been wise enough to make such an irreversible decision as a child.

    • @Drivebyhaiku
      96 months ago

      Well the whole “minors” thing is a little overblown. There is one surgery available for 16 year olds with parental consent covered for trans affirming care. Top surgery.

      Every other surgery is only available when a person is basically voting age and can make their informed decision as a legal adult.

      All in all the surgery is basically aesthetically reversable via silicone implants and formula exists for anybody who has trouble lactating for any reason so it is pretty low risk all told.

      • @KellysNokia
        16 months ago

        Ah I was under the assumption surgery was of the downstairs variety

        • @Drivebyhaiku
          66 months ago

          Nope. Just boobs. Bottom surgery is actually all told not a super popular option since it has a long recovery process. Only about 14% of people who identiffy as trans actually go in for it.

          There’s a bit of a risk reward calculation to make regarding how the options turn out and a lot of us compromise based on other life factors. It really is a very personal process and the general conception of transitions following a checklist to full surgically isn’t an accurate representation in the slightest. Most transitions are sort of composites of social engineering techniques combined with psychological practices of avoiding triggers. If you can get by without a surgery generally speaking you do.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          That kind of surgery being performed on minors is rare and the individual must meet a very high criteria before any surgeon would actually perform it.

    • @[email protected]
      96 months ago

      Based on what I’ve heard, the idea that operations are being performed on children is greatly exaggerated. The VAST majority of those receiving gender affirming care under the age of 18 are 17 year olds whos doctor, mental health professional, parents, and themselves have come to that decision.

      Also gender affirming care != surgery

      In other words, I’m not sure there is much (if any) data to be studied, despite this being an extremely common talking point.

    • Match!!
      6 months ago

      check out intersex medical interventions in infants, that’s the vast majority of sex assignment surgeries on people under 18

    • @samus12345
      36 months ago

      It’s important to note that “gender-affirming care” does not only mean surgery.

    • Media Sensationalism
      6 months ago

      I had a trans phase as a teen, but I was eventually able to resolve it internally. I’ve also met a handful of people who regretted their transition. I don’t have a strong opinion because I won’t pretend to know what’s best for trans and questioning people, only that I wish there was a perfect way for everyone to receive timely care while minimizing negative outcomes.

      Psychological evaluation is a standard part of ethically determining if even adults should receive certain types of healthcare with potentially permanent effects. I was made to do one before I could get a vasectomy, and it was a straightforward appointment. It might not be such a bad thing if it was regulated as a mandatory precursor to receive gender-affirming care as a minor, in place of total bans. It’s the bare minimum I would be willing to propose with complete certainty.

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        the regret rate on transitioning is about 1% while the regret rate for any surgery is usually around 14%. most people who regret transitioning regret it because of the way they’ve been treated. I’m glad you didn’t have to transition because it’s not a fun time, but you didn’t have a “trans phase”, you just aren’t trans. and yeah psychological evaluation is a standard part of being trans. it’s so difficult to get hrt, let alone any surgeries, without years of appointments and referrals and lab work and psychiatrist appointments. I’d say your concern is a null concern.

        • Media Sensationalism
          16 months ago

          and yeah psychological evaluation is a standard part of being trans. it’s so difficult to get hrt, let alone any surgeries, without years of appointments and referrals and lab work and psychiatrist appointments.

          Of course, but it’s not what conservative politicians say or believe. If it helps for them to write useless laws instead of banning transition outright, then I say shoot.

      • @Drivebyhaiku
        46 months ago

        In parlance we generally prefer that to be referred to as a “questioning phase” as saying it’s a “trans phase” tends to be in active use by some of the sort of anti-trans rhetoric peddlers like Abagail Shrier and Jordan Peterson. In the activism scene it’s a little “nails on a chalkboard” ish when you come across it .

        Also generally speaking gender care for minors in the US and Canada is a four professionional team. A psychologist, a pediatrician, a social worker and an endocrinologist. In the UK it has extra personnel through their kind of arcane structure of gender clincs… So it’s already pretty well covered.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    Yet another map of the US with nearly the same distribution of different groups. The anti-American band of states from Florida to Idaho strikes again.

  • @Ibaudia
    36 months ago

    “Small Government” Conservative: try not to infringe on the rights of people you’ve never met challenge (IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY)