• @grue
    629 days ago

    Right-wing media claimed the shooter was trans.

    At what point do we admit that this is no longer “free speech” but instead incitement to violence?

  • @[email protected]
    299 days ago

    Of course they did. They do that every single time there’s a mass shooting now, which is daily.

  • @RageAgainstTheRich
    259 days ago

    Reich wingers can’t read. Its disgusting how they just make shit up and every reich winger just believes them and joins the hate parade.

    You just can’t talk to these people. They live in a different reality and nothing you say or do will make them change their mind.

  • @rayyy
    249 days ago

    So, nothing new on the right wing scene - up is down, right is wrong - “Gray had threatened a mass shooting, posting an image of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter, and writing, “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre.””

  • @Xenny
    8 days ago

    The right wing continues to show they are incapable of rational thought and just eat up everything handed to them and react on base instinct and impulsivity alone.

    This is how you define an animal. And as a peaceful society we usually deem animals that become dangerous to society as a threat that must be removed by one means or another.

  • @[email protected]
    8 days ago

    How many transgender mass-shooters have there even been? Zero? One?

    I assume they just spew this fake news in order to make people hear “trans shooter” over and over again until they think it’s a pattern.