s5e4 “In the Flesh”

  • @aeronmelon
    206 months ago

    Young Ensign: “This is literally the worst part of serving in Starfleet.”

    Old Lieutenant: “All we do is sit down and wait for a scan, this is nothing. On the Potemkin we still had to pee in a little cup.”

    • @ummthatguyOP
      126 months ago

      Had to look that one up. A rare TAS reference from s2e1 The Pirates of Orion. Once I do a full TOS rewatch, I need to follow through with the animated series.

        • @ummthatguyOP
          66 months ago

          From what I’ve heard, it’s pretty much a straightforward continuation, but more flexible… and I should probably be some sort of intoxicated.

          • @aeronmelon
            46 months ago

            It’s popular to rag on The Animated Series, but the only thing really wrong with it is the Hanna-Barbara-tier animation. Once you get over that, it’s actually a really good time. And if it isn’t, it’s easy to make fun of it.

      • @aeronmelon
        6 months ago

        You mean the Potemkin? She was seen in the TOS episode The Ultimate Computer and listed on the plans for Operation: Retrieve in The Undiscovered Country.

        I don’t know how else that TAS episode relates to the quotes I just pulled out of my ass to make a quick joke.

        Also, by the time of Voyager, a USS Potemkin would no longer be a Constitution-class starship.

        • @ummthatguyOP
          46 months ago

          From Memory Alpha:

          Captain’s log, Supplemental. We have arranged to get the strobolin needed to save Mr. Spock’s life. The starship Potemkin has already picked up the drug and will transfer it to a freighter, the SS Huron for delivery to the Enterprise.

          The episode is literally about the Potemkin making a transfer of drugs to the Enterprise. Lucked into a solid reference, my friend.

          • @aeronmelon
            36 months ago

            Ah, now I get it.

            I love everyone here, but sometimes I can’t follow your line of thinking. (: