@[email protected]

The resources button is very useful. and it is very inconvenient to access right now. It doesn’t really matter if there is one more button, it won’t look weird and there are not too many now.

The AI button in the editor should be hideable, as it takes up space and isn’t really useful.

  • @lembasbreadenthusiast
    21 day ago

    Agreed. I refer to the useful generators and examples pages quite often, and it’s a pain to type in/scroll through the learn page. It’s also a clarity of language thing. Learn is, well, learning to use Perchance (tutorial). Resources should be things related to building generators. Resources also had a link to this forum IIRC, which gave people an easy line to this if they had questions. As it is, I feel like people new to Perchance may not know this exists.

  • @perchanceM
    12 days ago

    @[email protected] You also mentioned people asking for resources button on Discord. What are the most common reasons people used the resource button? E.g. upload, plugins, templates, …? And is it frequency-of-access that makes the current situation annoying, or is it that newbies aren’t able to find plugins/templates/etc. in the first place?

    • @lembasbreadenthusiast
      11 day ago

      Frequency-of-access for me. (further outlined in my comment on this post itself)

    • VioneTM
      2 days ago

      I think frequency of access, and maybe a habit of turning to the resources page to look for the plugins/templates.

      I think that the resources page is an ‘all-in-one’ page for a lot of things related to Perchance that isn’t on the ‘tutorial’. I’ll ping @[email protected] for other opinions.

      While we’re at it, maybe also create a ‘notice/terms and conditions’ regarding the use of AI on the platform. A lot of people are also asking for this, although I just redirect them to the AI FAQ that I compiled and directly on the plugin pages. Maybe an official one so it is compiled and in one place.

      Also, maybe a very long shot, and may be breaking for the user/account data (or maybe just tie it to local storage). An option to customize the navbar through account settings? Like we only want the ‘generators’, and ‘hub’ to button to show on the navigation as well as hiding the ‘ai helper’ permanently on the HTML panel than just minimizing it.

  • @wthit56
    4 days ago

    I don’t know what “the AI button in the editor” means, so you might want to clarify by editing your post. Up to you.

  • allo
    14 days ago


  • @wthit56
    14 days ago

    Apparently mentioning a username in the post does not send them a notification. You have to do it in a comment like this @[email protected]. (I don’t know why it’s like this, but that’s what I’ve been told.)

  • @wthit56
    14 days ago

    Just so you know… even if there is no button for this, you can simply go to perchance.org/resources. Or bookmark it yourself and always have it available. And move that bookmark into your bookmarks bar of the browser to always see that as a button. Or start typing it and if it’s bookmarked or in your history it’ll come up and let you select it automatically.

    Maybe they’ll add it back or maybe they won’t, but in the meantime you can still use it–just so you know.