• Porto881
    166 months ago

    Uh no lol. I’d suggest reading a history book - any history book - as an introduction to reality.

    • @masquenox
      16 months ago

      You mean the history books that will never, ever classify the Nazi slaughter in eastern Europe as colonialist, despite the fact that colonialist justification doesn’t get more blatantly colonialist than “lebensraum”?

      Or do you mean the history books that completely ignore the perfectly blatant fact that the wellsprings of fascism are all “western” (ie, white) countries that have deep histories of colonialist slaughter and exploitation?

      Are those the history books you are referring to?

      • Porto881
        6 months ago

        From Wikipedia:

        Colonialism is the exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group.

        Lebensbraum means “living space.” The Nazis didn’t want to exploit the Slavs, they wanted to exterminate and replace them. Not colonialism.

        blatant fact that the wellsprings of fascism are all “western” (ie, white) countries that have deep histories of colonialist slaughter and exploitation?

        Italians weren’t considered white until like 40 years ago and Germany famously didn’t manifest any colonial holdings like other European countries.

        So yes, please read a book.

        • @masquenox
          06 months ago

          Colonialism is the exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group.

          Oh, so what is and isn’t colonialism is dictated by which side of a glorified fence the government-funded murderers, torturers and rapists are born on?

          Don’t you liberals have anything substantial to hide behind?

          they wanted to exterminate and replace them. Not colonialism.

          So Native Americans weren’t victims of colonialism, then?

          It doesn’t take a lot for you to show your true colors, does it?

          Germany famously didn’t manifest any colonial holdings

          Oh, so apart from the colonialist slaughter inside the Soviet Union that Germany didn’t do (according to you), they also didn’t perpetrate bog-standard colonialist genocide against the Herero and Nama in Namibia, eh?

          What is next, apologist? The Holocaust was a hoax, perhaps?

          • Porto881
            06 months ago

            You can squish whatever words you want to put together but ethnic cleansing is not colonialism but nice bait lol. Almost took it and then decided to just block you

            • @masquenox
              06 months ago

              Block me all you like. Your colonialism apologia is still here for all to see.

  • @voracitude
    96 months ago

    Fascism is against your own people, colonialism is against other peoples. It’s got nothing to do with skin colour, it just so happens that a lot of colonialism we learn about nowadays was done by western nations like the UK and US. Or would you argue Saddam Hussein wasn’t a fascist? How about Plínio Salgado?

    • @Blue_Morpho
      16 months ago

      Generalissimo Francisco Franco colonized Spain.

      And he is still dead.

    • @masquenox
      -16 months ago

      Fascism is against your own people, colonialism is against other peoples.

      That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard said in regards to this subject.

      • @voracitude
        16 months ago

        Oh yeah? Go ahead and elucidate how violence against a colonised people isn’t exactly the same as violence against the outgroup of an established society. The point of both is subjugation and control. Twit.

        • @masquenox
          -16 months ago

          Oh yeah?

          Yeah. Here, I’ll say it again because you seem so bewildered by anyone challenging your rose-colored view of “western” (ie, white) imperialism. This…

          Fascism is against your own people, colonialism is against other peoples.

          …is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard said in regards to this subject.

          Who the fuck decides who belongs to what, genius? The colonizers? You?

          • @voracitude
            06 months ago

            So… you want to argue the existence of distinct societies and cultures, now? I’d say come back when you have anything of substance to add, but if you were capable you would have already, so I’m just going to block you instead.

  • @masquenox
    06 months ago

    Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this.

    I can only guess that the liberals on here are thoroughly invested in treating fascism and colonialism as some kind of “aberration,” unfortunate oopsies, in their otherwise pristine concept of the liberal nation state.