I got the Stealth suit today. I meant to grab either a picture of the Stealth Suit or of me wearing the Stealth Suit, but none of the screenshots I took Steam wants to share with the new update. So I had to settle for this picture of her talking to me. I’m all out of Stimpaks and other healing supplies and now she’s been guilt tripping me by saying things like “Maybe you’d be better off with an Auto-Doc suit”. I was not expecting to be manipulated by a Sentient suit tonight. I also did the first stealth Mission for the Mark II suit, and I think I’ll go ahead and clear it tomorrow before I move onto the final mission of the DLC

  • @nevemsenki
    104 days ago

    The only true way to enjoy FoNV is with a stealth suit, all the way. Totally not because I’m addicted to MedX I swear.

    • Coelacanth
      54 days ago

      A true man of culture, refinement and impeccable taste.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      13 days ago

      The Stealth suit is currently my favorite armor. I’m debating wether to lose the AC of the ranger armor just so I can wear the Stealth Suit more

  • @Im_old
    44 days ago

    Wait, I’ve only played “stock” New Vegas. Is this from a DLC?

    • @HereIAm
      24 days ago

      If I recall it’s from the “China invades Alska simulator” one. Can’t remember the name if it. Probably a good sign I need to go replay new Vegas!

      • germtm.
        94 days ago

        you’re referring to the Chinese Stealth Suit from Fallout 3’s DLC called Operation: Anchorage.

        the Stealth Suit from New Vegas is from the Old World Blues DLC.

        • @HereIAm
          44 days ago

          Oh you’re right! That’s an embarrassing mistake to make. I never got the stealth suit from Old World Blues.