• @SuperEars
    119 minutes ago

    The Web invaded Mainframe
    Sprite and virus battled side by side,
    Attempting to reclaim the city
    from the rift which opened wide.

    But Megabyte betrayed Bob and
    he threw him deep inside the pit.
    The pit was closed and Bob was hosed
    and all that he could say was “Nooo!”


    Without Bob to protect us
    we thought we would have no barrier,
    From he who would infect us
    except Enzo, which was scarier,
    The city shivered terrified
    from fear of the Infector’s touch…


    “I guess your fear was verified, I wasn’t a protector much.”


    (I guess our fear was verified, he wasn’t a protector much)
    (I guess our fear was verified, he wasn’t a protector much)
    (I guess our fear was verified, he wasn’t a protector-ector much)


    It wasn’t Enzo’s fault at first
    he only was a little Sprite,
    At best he was the worst but then
    he slowly learned to do it right,

    And just as he was getting skilled
    a Game came down he couldn’t win,
    I thought for sure they’d both been killed,
    first Bob then Enzo, not again!


    (And just as he was getting skilled a Game came down he couldn’t win)
    (She thought for sure they’d both been killed, first Bob then Enzo, not again!)


    I went from Game to Game
    I aged, I grew and lost my innocence,
    I soon became enraged by each
    and ev’ry bad experience,

    The Sprite you knew was gone
    I had become a grim aggressor man,
    I knew from that point on
    that I was truly Bob’s successor man.


    (The Sprite we knew was gone, he had become a grim aggressor man)
    (He knew from that point on that he was truly Bob’s successor man)


    I met up with the Webriders
    and took the form of Interface,
    I joined my gun with pirate swords
    and sailed the seas of cyberspace,

    And when at last the pair of us
    were fin’lly reunited guys,
    Our shouts of joy did blare because
    we really were delighted guys.


    We soon made tracks to Mainframe
    so our friends could reunite with us,
    We made it back and Megabyte
    was waiting there to fight with us.

    When Bob went face to face
    to face to face with Hexadecimal…


    …his chances for survival shrank from small to infin’tesimal.


    (His chances for survival shrank from small to infin’tesimal)
    (His chances for survival shrank from small to infin’tesimal)
    (His chances for survival shrank from small to infin’tesi-esi-mal)


    Bob helped to defragment my head
    while Matrix fought with Megabyte,
    I thought he’d wind up dead
    but Matrix put up a terrific fight.

    I’d dreamed of this each lonely night
    of doing in that virus trash,
    But just as I had won the fight
    he engineered a system crash!


    (You dreamed of this each lonely night of doing in that virus trash)
    (But just as you had won the fight he engineered a system crash)


    What Megabyte had hoped to do
    was cause his death to crack us up,
    I gambled on the User to ReBoot
    and thereby back us up.

    It worked! We all were born anew
    and rid of things barbaric,
    And now we’re back together,
    Ev’rything’s alphanumeric!


    (It worked, we all were born anew and rid of things barbaric)
    (And now we’re back together, ev’rything’s alphanumeric)


    And now we’re back together,

  • @TommySoda
    247 hours ago

    Holy shit this is a blast from the past. This show was my jam as a kid. The animation has aged horribly, but I’d be so down to watch the whole series again.

    • @[email protected]
      25 minutes ago

      Yeah, even Toy Story 1 animation is dated, which is feature-quality, not TV, and it came out after Reboot.

      I admire the historic technical feat. For example, they didn’t have inverse kinematics back then, meaning they couldn’t plant the character’s feet on the ground or hands on a surface and move the body without the limbs moving as well. They’d have to repose the hands and feet to line up. It’s why so many shots don’t show their feet unless they’re standing still and why the boy (enzo?) is always diving into the shot.

    • @acosmichippo
      5 hours ago

      I kinda feel like the remaster makes the animation look worse, or just highlights how primitive it was. Maybe the lower resolution etc of the original subconsciously lowers my expectations.

      • subignition
        74 hours ago

        I see it very differently, although it looks primitive, the added detail really emphasizes just how much effort this was considering it was made in the early '90s.

    • @Yokozuna
      16 hours ago

      The ps1 game was horrible if I can recall from my kid brain correctly. I had forgotten what this series was called for YEARS, and it bugged me so much. I’m glad that’s finally off of my chest.

      • kurikai
        35 hours ago

        The PS1 game is awesome

  • Snot Flickerman
    6 hours ago

    We’ve got movie sign!

    Megabyte’s voice is just as soothing as I remember.

    • @SuperEars
      235 minutes ago

      That’s the late Tony Jay. He’s my all-time favorite voice.

    • @okwhateverdude
      55 hours ago

      Holy shit never realized it was the same actor that voiced Virgil in Mighty Max

      • Snot Flickerman
        35 hours ago

        I feel like it’s very riffable, but it needs to be done by some folks who really love the series.

  • astrsk
    65 hours ago

    Oh wow this is fantastic!! I really hope LMG gets all the masters copied in this quality. What a treat!

  • hopesdead
    5 hours ago

    The live action sequel of ReBoot made for Netflix, ReBoot: The Guardian Code, is a wild one. Imagine Video Game High School crossed over with Power Rangers but is actually the plot of Tron.

    Seriously, super cheesy. I’m embarrassed knowing it exist let alone having watched at least two episodes.

    • @EtherWhack
      34 hours ago

      I saw it more as a half-assed live-action Code Lyoko

  • hopesdead
    5 hours ago

    Can someone explain why a remaster is wanted on a technical level? This show had a very unique art and animation style. The only show I can think of that might come this close is Transformers: Beast Wars.

    Does a Google search… right, because it was also a Mainframe show.

    • @[email protected]
      85 hours ago

      Remaster doesn’t change the original art or animation. Sometimes it is a rerender of original source files. Sometimes it is a treatment of the existing master files. It just adds fidelity to the picture and sometimes audio. Fixes things like low framerate, weird lighting effects, that kind of thing.

  • @ScottThePoolBoy
    55 hours ago

    I love this show so much! There are a few channels that have been playing every episode on a loop for a while now. This is fantastic.