• @[email protected]
    23 hours ago

    I hope someone puts this on a static website with their names so future employers can find it easily

    • @LifeOfChance
      152 hours ago

      I use to have this way to thinking but then we are encouraging people not to change. This is a group of kids maybe raised wrong maybe thinking it’s okay to joke about so should this ruin the rest of their lives? Should they not be given the chance to do better and learn from this? It’s not murder and nobody was harmed by it. Being offended isn’t traumatizing.

      At what point is the punishment fitting the crime in a case like this. We’ve learned posting this to social media already effects people long term so wouldn’t just posting it here be enough since they may have also been reprimanded by their community.

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        That’s fair i guess. I did some stupid shit as a kid but I’m also a completely different person than 40 years ago. Otoh i never did anything quite like this. Id hope their eyebrows burn off from the backlash and they learn at least.

        • @Xanis
          22 hours ago

          If society has gone a different direction what you did do may have been just as condemnable.

  • @Glytch
    157 hours ago

    The punishment fit the crime. Let the picture follow them forever and let their fellow students take out the frustration of losing homecoming on them.

  • @[email protected]
    157 hours ago

    As a Texan, in a purple area, this doesn’t surprise me from Oklahoma.

    I had the displeasure of driving through OK to get to my late father in law’s hospital bed before he passed.

    I ended up blowing through a toll entry because they didn’t accept paper money or cards. Just coins. I went to the little building to try to pay my way, and it appeared to be abandoned.

    Mother fuckers, I can buy a legal variant of weed with my fucking watch. Coins? Join this century please.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    9 hours ago

    Imagine this photo popping up whenever any one of these idiots tries to get a job.

    That long haired kid looks like he means it the most

    • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
      33 hours ago

      That long haired kid looks like he means it the most

      You mean the kid with dreadlocks? Lol

    • @BigBenis
      177 hours ago

      Not to defend racists or imply this is acceptable in any way but everybody does stupid shit when they’re a teenager and something like this shouldn’t haunt them for the rest of their working lives provided they mature into well-adjusted adults.

      The bigger problem is the poorly-adjusted adults in the communities that raise these kids and teach them to be hateful towards people with harmless differences.

      • @[email protected]
        116 hours ago

        The letters they are holding were provided by the school for some kind of event. It seems like these kids thought they could be funny by spelling out a no no word. To any rational thinking human, this isn’t funny, but teenagers aren’t rational think humans. That’s pretty much the definition of puberty.

        But it’s 2024 and kids post everything online, so now it’s gone viral and everyone judges them as racist scum that deserve to never get a job in their lives. Off of a single photo.

  • @nemonic187
    77 hours ago

    That long haired guy thinks he’s the hard G. They should cancel the entire season or kick those dudes off the team. Their choice.

  • at_an_angle
    3811 hours ago


    Some community members on social media said the students depicted are football players for Tishomingo High School and that the photo was taken as part of spirit week for the school. On Monday, students were encouraged to wear a black shirt to receive a random Scrabble tile to attach to themselves.

    So the school gave teenagers individual letters to wear, not thinking that they would spell out offensive words? Sounds like dumb kids being dumb kids.

    I’ll bet $100 right now that they also spelled every curse word under the sun as well.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      389 hours ago

      Don’t minimize and normalize this shit. My teenager curses like a sailor but she would be horrified to say a racial slur like that. A swear word and bigotry are not the same thing

    • @A7thStone
      6711 hours ago

      There is a huge difference between a curse word and a slur.

        • @[email protected]
          148 hours ago

          Dumb as I was at that age, I can’t imagine agreeing to do something like that or making friends with anyone who would.

            • @[email protected]
              116 minutes ago

              Yup, if you grow up in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, there isn’t a lot of racial diversity. So this isn’t something they likely have run into in any meaningful sense, so they wouldn’t understand just how hurtful it can be.

        • @Nuke_the_whales
          209 hours ago

          Teenagers today do. I guarantee there are thousands of kids in that school who know better and would never do this. Being young doesn’t make you racist

          • @[email protected]
            34 minutes ago

            No, but it does make some less educated. Not everyone is online a lot. Plenty of people just hang out with their friends without learning anything. It’s very possible they haven’t learned why that is so wrong.

            • @[email protected]
              48 hours ago

              Well with the internet I’m sure they now will have an entire life of dealing with those consequences.

        • @kemsat
          113 minutes ago

          Right, the point is to let them be themselves & correct behaviors that society has decided are useless. Gotta give them the freedom to choose so that you can correct it, same as younger kids.

    • @[email protected]
      2511 hours ago

      Members of the football team? And that sport usually has the best and brightest of high school students. I’m shocked, I tell you.

      • @TriflingToad
        29 hours ago

        at my school at least football kids aren’t really the brightest. They’re just average folks but stronger and with less free time.

  • @dubious
    169 hours ago

    oklahoma. drop it into a blender and start over.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    139 hours ago

    Because they want to normalize the use of racial slurs yet again, separating it from “real racism”.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    1310 hours ago

    Why did they cancel the entire football game and punish the entire school, instead of just disciplining these kids?

    • @jim_v
      47 hours ago

      They might have been forced to forfeit the game for having too few players. There isn’t a game to watch if nobody is playing.

    • arefx
      1110 hours ago

      Schools usually punish the person who gets bullied while protecting the bully so of course they don’t know how to handle this.

    • @[email protected]
      19 hours ago

      Probably out of some sense of getting the rest of the school to learn a lesson, and creating anger at the racists. Probably misguided.

    • @ikidd
      -210 hours ago

      Because being teenagers is serious business.

  • @niktemadur
    9416 hours ago

    Oklahoma the prototypical red state shithole.

    Where if the black community becomes peacefully prosperous, it’s too much for the numerous white inferiority-complex shitkickers to take, they boil and fester like an infection until one night they swarm like a biblical plague of locusts to burn and raze the black community to the ground.

    Hollow and ignorant, lazy and angry white madness is synonymous with republican-voting states.

    • TheRealKuni
      1210 hours ago

      Most of my experience in Oklahoma was in Norman, a fantastic college town. When I would go outside of the Norman/Moore/OKC area to visit the families of my fellow students, it was surprising how much and how quickly things changed.

      I mean, I know the dichotomy between rural and urban is everywhere in this nation, but it seemed more stark somehow.

      • Twinklebreeze
        37 hours ago

        I live in Norman. Only place in Oklahoma that I would live.

  • @[email protected]
    13618 hours ago

    I am allways fascinated by people who just have to do things that will cause them a lot of problems.

    I get that they lack empathy, that much is clear, but where is their sense of self preservation?

    Part of me is envious that they have so few problems that they deliberately make more for themselves.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      49 hours ago

      Maybe they want to run to be GOP officials, this is a prerequisite

    • @[email protected]
      510 hours ago

      I used to be a reckless teen. I just didn’t use my foresight. The payoff of doing the joke/dangerous thing is more worth it than self preservation when you’re a dumb kid.

    • @Warl0k3
      5318 hours ago

      What, you’re trying to tell us that you were never so comfortable with your station in life that you uh… printed off scrabble tiles to make matching necklaces that spell out a racial slur as a teen??? Geeze what a tragically empty life you must have had.

      • @[email protected]
        817 hours ago

        Compared to others, my teens were what they would call empty, but I had a good and calm time in my teens.

        • @[email protected]
          1211 hours ago

          I did some things as a teen that would absolutely humiliate me today if blasted on the internet. I even bullied people as a teen, so we’re talking real dirtbag stuff.

          Still. I never was even slightly tempted to take a pic with friends and a slur around my neck, so I guess I have that going for me.

  • @Draghetta
    3619 hours ago

    Guy 1 and 3 fucked up big time, now their display of love for Christmas spices is ruined. What were they thinking

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    3319 hours ago

    Guys it was a mixup. They meant to say GINGER.

    Filthy, disgusting, subhuman gingers.

  • @IsThisAnAI
    -2915 hours ago

    Nazis are real. But it’s a small group with the power of the internet. What y’all do is combine half the country with these folks.

    Most Republicans aren’t Nazis and don’t hate black people. They are dumb dumb dumb idiots yes, but tossing them into a single identity is just shitty politics if you actually want to understand the shift right.

    • @PoopingCough
      2314 hours ago

      If you allow Nazis at your bar it’s a Nazi bar

      • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
        011 hours ago

        I agree with your sentiment, but not your analogy.

        If you allow gays at your bar is it a gay bar?

        • @SacralPlexus
          510 hours ago

          The analogy comes from another post (which I can’t find at the moment) about a bartender running off a guy wearing nazi paraphernalia. When questioned by a patron the bartender explains that you can’t let them in because if you allow a Nazi in your bar once, the next time he brings a few friends. Then they become regulars and get louder and the next thing you know they have run off decent customers and you now have a Nazi bar.

          Who knows if the story is true but it is meant to illustrate how fascist culture is like a cancer that takes over and displaces everything if allowed a foothold. It cannot be tolerated.

          So hopefully you can see how it is not similar to having gay patrons in a bar. No one reaonably expects that a few gay patrons are going to start acting aggressively and trying to make others feel threatened or uncomfortable. But that is bread and butter for Nazis.

        • @PoopingCough
          10 hours ago

          I was more referencing this than trying to make a standalone analogy; my bad for just assuming people had seen it before.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      29 hours ago

      If I see a group of racists standing around being racist. I’m not gonna evaluate every single one of them on their level of racist and excuse the guy who just likes to hang out. I’m gonna throw the entire thing away.

      If there’s a turd on your plate next to your dinner, do you just eat around it?