Today’s game is Modded Minecraft. I took a brief break from Fallout New Vegas because some friends asked me to setup (and play) a Modded Minecraft server with them due to me being the only computer guy and this was the base I setup.

I’m hiding underground from a Dragon from the Ice and Fire mod that was chasing me until I can construct ICBMs to launch at it or someone else can kill it. We’re going to ignore my hunger because one of the mods fucked up vanilla mob spawns and I have to fix it tomorrow.

  • Gregor
    306 months ago

    I really like how customizable Minecraft is

      • Gregor
        66 months ago

        I am a big fan of it, but I basically only play vanilla Minecraft on my server with friends

  • @[email protected]
    176 months ago

    Inventory full of cobble and iron tools…

    “we gotta build that ICBM to kill the dragon!”

    I love Minecraft. :P

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      36 months ago

      Don’t forget I’m almost starving to death. I’ve just got aspirations

  • Shadowedcross
    136 months ago

    My partner and I started playing another modded MC game last night. I always do all the tech mods, automation, digital storage, and building, and she does the magic, farming and husbandry.

    We’d been using Fabric for quite a while but since I felt a longing for Mekanism, we decided to make it Forge. It’s not ideal since it isn’t necessarily as performant, and the loading times are a lot longer than Fabric, I just really wanted the convenience that Mekanism offers. Hopefully, more mods and modpacks will switch over to NeoForge.

    • JackbyDev
      76 months ago

      I remember loading Minecraft would take 15 minutes just to get to the start screen with Forge. It might be better now, and it wasn’t always that bad.

      • Shadowedcross
        16 months ago

        It has definitely gotten better, but it’s still several minutes, compared to the minute or less for Fabric.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      16 months ago

      Thats how my friend group is. I’m the only tech mod person so I have a monopoly on all the engineering things, and the other 3 have their magic mods

      • Shadowedcross
        26 months ago

        Ha, at least you can get your friend group to play modded MC. When we play it’s usually just the two of us, because our friends don’t wanna deal with all the mods. Sometimes one of them will end up joining, usually by which point I’ve got Applied Energistics setup, which I offer them access to, since at least then they could start their own mod setup more easily.

  • @finestnothing
    96 months ago

    If you want a more realistic (mechanics mainly, better graphics too but still blocky) and survival focused game, vintage story is great. It’s meant to be very realistic (mechanics, not graphics) so it’s a very different play style than Minecraft.

    Need storage? Make a reed basket with 8 slots and doesn’t help food preservation, or make a ceramic storage vessel with 12 slots that decreases rate of food spoilage. Manually build clay storage vessels voxel by voxel, put it in a pit kiln, cover in dry grass, sticks, and firewood and let it cook for an in-game day then you’re good to go.

    Food? Better hunt, fish, and grow crops. Make soups, stews, jerky, etc - better make sure you have a cellar with sealed jars of food for the winter though. Also need to balance soil nutrients for crops to grow well.

    Leather stuff? Have you to kill animals, skin them, get pelts, soak in limewater/borax and water solution in a barrel, scrape them with a knife, soak in weak tannin then strong tannin (made by soaking oak or acacia logs in barrels of water), then you finally have useable hides.

    Charcoal? Have to get a bunch of logs, cut them into firewood (crafting recipe so this part is quick), make a 2x2x2 to 11x11x11 hole and fill fully with firewood, light a fire on top, cover, and wait a day. If it’s not fully covered you’re just left with a bunch of ash instead of charcoal.

    Metal tools? Have to get the ore/nuggets, melt over a charcoal or hotter fire, pour into ingot mold, hammer and clip it into the desired shape, cool in water. Want to carry something hot by hand? Better have some tongs or you’ll take damage.

    Trying to cook inside? Smoke can build up if you don’t have a chimney - and your fire can go out if it’s raining and the chimney is straight down.

    Everything takes a lot more work than Minecraft because it’s meant to be more realistic - but there are so many mechanics that it’s a ton of fun to learn and complete stuff. My current playthrough I’m still sifting sand to get enough copper nuggets/items to make a pickaxe to mine some copper ore to make more tools, but I have a nice little stash of vegetable and meat meals stored in crocks in my hole-in-the-ground cellar/bedroom. Still need to get around to making an actual shelter and cellar, but I want a pickaxe first so I can make a nice sized cellar to preserve food through the winter.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Sounds a lot like the TerraFirmaCraft minecraft mod. Actually, after some light searching, it seems Vintage story was inspired by the Vintagecraft mod which was inspired by TerraFirmaCraft.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      26 months ago

      I’m a sucker for ye olde Attack of The B-Team and Tekkit. But usually I play 1.16.5 since none of my friends really like those mod packs

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Nice! I like some packs for that era of release. Create is my weak point but I like what it can do.

        I was big on ftb hermitpack, mc eternal, and sky adventures.

        I’ve been playing atm 9 on a much more recent release.

  • @Sanctus
    56 months ago

    Modded Minecraft is the nest, Ice and Fire is a really fun mod, idk if thats the one where you can tame and ride the dragons as a mount but its fun. If you have a lot of time, and kinda get an itch scratched from factories, Project Ozone 3 is a crazy huge modpack that is really fun

  • @nutsack
    36 months ago

    what do people do in multiplayer Minecraft

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Nearly every server is different, but the ones my friends/wife and I always did (10+ years ago) were like role-playing kingdom building maps. Server owner (usually me) would hold the title of King/Sovereign and appoint their friends to specific roles. I would oversee the general development and expansion of the kingdom, as well as decide and manage a system of ore-based currency (or would at least create the mint and appoint someone to running it). Afterward I would introduce and gradually roll out phases of a larger storyline for anyone who cares.

      My left and right hand would build/manage the keeps/barracks/military structures, or the government buildings/libraries/cultural centers, etc. These would all be injected with their own lore and staffed by the person in charge of them. Everyone else would receive more minor roles, but typically be given monopolies in certain types of goods or commerce. Maybe Bob wants to be a trapper. Sure, anyone else can legally go and gather leathers and animal parts, but Bob is the only one permitted to sell those items in his shop in the city. Things like that just to try to keep it interesting. When Bob isn’t trapping or trading or being involved with the kingdom, he’s pretty much just playing Minecraft on his homestead.

      The idea is to open it up to the public (via applications and careful vetting) and watch people run amock in the simulated medieval economy. We used to have a blast doing it. Especially with mods installed that added skill progression, abilities at milestones and other MMORPG-esque mechanics.

      Normal people, however… They just do what they do in single player but occasionally trade, work together, tackle bosses, and show each other their latest creations.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      16 months ago

      Personally I start an industrial empire and get the rest of the server in my back pocket because I’m the only person with supplies to produce Guns and Missiles. But also it just kind of depends on the mod pack.

    • Shadowedcross
      16 months ago

      Not sure since I only ever play with one person, but I’d love to work on one base together with multiple people, with everyone working on their specialities. For example, I have a basic knowledge of most popular tech mods, but I find some of them pretty tedious, so if there were someone who enjoyed them, that’d be great.

  • @Sam_Bass
    6 months ago

    For a full half second i thought that was Wolfenstein

    • @LemmyFeed
      16 months ago

      A full half second or a half full second?

      • @Sam_Bass
        16 months ago

        The optimistic one

  • germtm.
    26 months ago

    of course before nuking said dragon with an ICBM, have you considered building some form of industrial automated construction?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      16 months ago

      That’s somewhere along the way to the ICBMs