I moved into a creepy old house earlier this year, and now I’m super excited to decorate it for Halloween. I’m looking for some Lovecraft inspired Halloween decorations. I was thinking about for instance writing “Cthulu fhtagn” on the wall in fake blood, maybe like a pentagram. But I’m looking for better ideas too. So I figured, where better to ask than here. Bonus points if it’s hacked together on a shoestring budget.

Respectfully yours, Bizzle

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    First I would suggest an Elder Sign instead of a boring old pentagram.

    Anything related to tentacles/octopi/fish could be used as decoration. … Or for those that know their Lovecraft: a big penguin.

    The name Innsmouth or Miskatonic University could be written somewhere (Innsmouth Inn on a sign?).

    And of course using a big old tome somewhere! You can make it out of a painted box and seal it with hairspray to use it outside.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    I’ve been really into projected Halloween decorations the last couple of years. I hang a sheer curtains in the street facing windows. I project videos of ghostly apparitions on them. Atmosfx has some good collections that would complement a Lovecraftian creepy old house. They sell for $40-$50 per collection and are 100% worth it.

    If you happen to have a projector, a sheer curtain, and know how to find video files from less than reputable sources… You can don’t have to spend any money at all.

    • BizzleOP
      36 months ago

      I actually do have all of those things 😂 thanks for the tip, that looks rad!