Bradley The most effective infantry fighting vehicle used on the battlefield in the last couple of years.

This machine regularly destroys enemy equipment, shelters and hundreds of Russians. She has long become a real fear of the occupiers.

Also, Bradley is the most protected armored vehicle, so in most cases it saves the lives of our fighters.

In this case, this machine, after successfully completing combat tasks, was disabled, but it still became a grave for orcs.

At first, three invaders hid under it, but they were discovered in time and destroyed by the Strike Drone Company’s kamikaze drones. Then two more katsaps decided to choose Bradley as a shelter.

As a result, five Russians were eliminated under this powerful armor. Two of them managed to run away from our drones before a painful death.

Enjoy viewing.

  • partial_accumen
    35 days ago

    Why didn’t the orcs simply climb into the Bradley and close the hatches? The drones that were attacking them were anti-personnel not shaped charges for penetrating armor.

    • borari
      14 days ago

      Maybe disabling includes wiring up a claymore in the cabin or something? Idk.