• @Maldreamer
    74 hours ago

    Meh, He should have done a reality check in the first place before doing anything

  • r00ty
    5012 hours ago

    Lucid dream rookie! If the lucid dream happens, and you’re in the same place you fell asleep, well actually if that happens the majority of the time it will become a sleep paralysis episode. But, if it isn’t, always teleport yourself the fuck away from the location.

    Ain’t no way you want to risk that you’re too close to being awake (or in this case not asleep at all). I’d wager anon fell asleep, woke up but was having a hypnopompic hallucination, and that explains the text on the board.

    • @[email protected]
      79 hours ago

      Easiest way to know if you’re lucid dreaming is to try some magic abilities. I usually try flying out of the window from room I were. This hasn’t failed me yet. And anon definitely wouldn’t get into this awkward situation with this either.

      (only half of this is a joke)

    • @toynbee
      1712 hours ago

      I just assumed he was in some foreign language class.

  • @psycho_driver
    1211 hours ago

    At least Anon got to feel a boob. It might be a while.

  • TxzK
    1112 hours ago

    This would’ve gone a lot better if anon simply apologised and explained that he was half-asleep. But no, they just had to make it more akward.

    • @[email protected]
      1317 hours ago

      God is infinitely groovy and infinitely funky, but the Bible forgot to tell you that he is also infinitely getting dividends from his shares of Penguin Books, so he has a stake in this.

  • AlexisFR
    5 hours ago

    Lucid dreaming is an internet exaggeration so it’s fake anyways.

  • rand_alpha19
    4317 hours ago

    So I’m supposed to believe that OP didn’t kill himself right after this happened? Guys, I think this story is fake.

  • @Ziglin
    -5418 hours ago

    Do people seriously conciously fantasize about taking part in erotic acts with real people (especially ones they have feelings for)? It seems extremely disrespectful to me. (if the involved parties are in a relationship it’s probably OK)

    • @[email protected]
      109 hours ago

      I only started to fantasize about my wife after we’d got married. We haven’t had sex yet though. Penetrating a real person would be disrespectful.

      • @Ziglin
        16 hours ago

        Barely, though I doubt that has anything to do with me not fantasizing about people I know/like.

    • @[email protected]
      1412 hours ago

      real people


      I only consciously fantasise about people who don’t exist.

      Sometimes they aren’t even people, they could be abstract concepts, like a time format, or a plan.

      Sometimes I even fantasise about concepts of a plan.

      • @Ziglin
        26 hours ago

        Seems like a good way of going about it.

      • Asudox
        212 hours ago

        What exactly are you fantasizing about time formats?

        • @[email protected]
          711 hours ago

          Just thinking about how kinky it is that they’re subservient to us. We tell them “no, you slutty little time zone, it’s cold now, so we’re gonna move the small hand back, and if you’re good, we’ll let you come an hour earlier in six months”

          • Asudox
            111 hours ago

            I see. Very interesting, very interesting indeed.

    • @idiomaddict
      2113 hours ago

      What happens in other people’s heads is not my business. Even if the imagined protagonist looks and acts like me, they’re not and I don’t have a single stake in it.

      • @[email protected]
        714 hours ago

        But it’s probably ok if the two are in a relationship. So maybe the sexual fantasies of their awful parents were legal.

        • @[email protected]
          13 hours ago

          No, sex gross, make it all illegal please. We have the technology, only synthetic crotch goblins from now on.

          We need a literal horny jail, and enforcers with clubs.

    • @[email protected]
      3517 hours ago

      Do people seriously conciously fantasize about taking part in erotic acts with real people (especially ones they have feelings for)?


      I kinda get the disrespect perspective, maybe. I felt that a little as a teen. But then I thought it probably wasn’t respectful treating my crush in my mind like a sort of sexless statue or object rather than a real human being that I was in love with and wanted to have sex with.

      • @Ziglin
        16 hours ago

        Maybe I seperate love and sex a bit too much (or just more than average)? When I have romantic feelings it doesn’t make me want to sleep with the person they’re directed towards. But I also would likely not decline an invitation to engage in such acts (and given enough time might eventually ask on my own) but until some sort of mutual attraction has been verified I just avoid thinking of them in a sexual way.

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          When I have romantic feelings it doesn’t make me want to sleep with the person they’re directed towards.

          It doesn’t make me want to necessarily sleep with them either, but rather stay up late having sex with them. And maybe after sleep.

          But this idea of asexual romantic attraction makes about as much sense to me as saying “When I am hungry it doesn’t make me want to eat food.”

          When I say I have “romantic feelings” for someone, the feeling I’m referring to is a combination of love and sexual desire. Even when I was a kid and would sort of push down or repress sexual thoughts because in my head it felt wrong or inappropriate, what I was feeling was sexual desire and love.

          My understanding of the term “romantic” has always been euphemistic, based in an understanding that it would be weird and rude to just tell someone you’re crushing on that you love them and you want them to love you too and you want to put your mouth on their genitals because you think you could make them feel really good and you want to physically intimate to be vulnerable with them because vulnerability is a part of of not just physical but emotional intimacy and you want them to share their feelings and feel open to you and so on and so on you get the idea.

        • @samus12345
          14 hours ago

          Sounds like you might be on the asexual spectrum.

      • @Ziglin
        16 hours ago


        (The > which indicates quote in markdown confuses me as I didn’t mention erotic arts)