You forgot every linux user’s favorite package manager: Snap
apt purge snap
Had to do that yesterday.
Have a Nextcloud instance running and wanted to upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04.
Couldn’t do it because Ubuntu would not connect to the snap-store because the service wouldn’t start.
A purge later and now I’m running Jammy Jellyfish.
I guess snap goes on the pink suit.
I can’t type
without thinking “did not finish.” I can’t even remember what it’s supposed to stand for anymore.You mean
do not fuck
packages or you might get paper cuts.
Similarly, I read winget as “wing it”. The traditional package managers had better names: apt, yum, pacman. I know it’s a terrible reason to like a package manager, but still, a good name goes a long way.
You forgot RPM
You’re right. I did.
Yum too
and portageDnf is just updated yum, and both are backed by rpm
No love for flatpaks?
There never was love for flatpaks and there never will be. I’ll never forgive them for killing my son.
I’ll never forgive them for killing my son.
Jeez, howd did you manage to fuck up a flatpak install that bad?
Shouldn’t have tried ricing the ECG display at the ICU.
Firefox flaptak, can’t play a video and go back a few seconds, or the video freezes but audio continues. Such a basic feature and it’s broken…
I never noticed that issue. Do you have hardware acceleration and Wayland mode (if applicable) enabled?
TIL I have to manually enable hardware acceleration. Will try it. Still not a good default experience, hope it gets better soon.
I don’t think its a issue with wayland mode, I tried Xorg/Wayland/Nvidia/Amd/Intel/Arch/Ubuntu, always had that problem.
As someone who has to administer several hundred Windows servers and several thousand Windows workstations in our fleet (alongside our Linux and Mac systems), I was very sad that winget was not as good as I had hoped for. Chocolatey is still far better IMO, and neither is anywhere near as good as apt, rpm, etc.
Wish you guys would hurry up and figure out the appropriate communities to post in
Don’t forget apk! It’s FAST!
I don’t use neither arch nor void, but I have to leave this unpopular(?) opinion out somewhere: xbps is a million times better than pacman simply for tracking dll dependencies.
xbps is the worst one out of all of them
Its interface is pretty meh I’ll give you that
Which category would you put scoop in? I like it and use it regularly on windows, I find it much better than choco. No experience with Winget
I don’t have any experience with scoop, but if you like it that’s great. I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum.
Don’t you dare put nix together with these fossils of package management.
Too niche, don’t get it 🙄
Linux package managers on the left, windows package manager on the right