• Federal_Zombie_9456
    11 hour ago

    Feed me ,pet me, good God your lap is warm, I’m gonna nap right here while I show you my butt.

  • @owenfromcanada
    217 hours ago

    Look, I don’t want to overstep, but your hygiene is awful. I’ve only ever seen you lick the very ends of your paws, and then you don’t do anything with it. I know you must be embarrassed, looking mostly like a sphinx, but you should at least groom the patch of fur on your head that you do have.

  • @Godnroc
    322 hours ago

    If you just left the door OPEN I could come and go at I please. Mice would also wander in on their own, which you need since you’re such a bad hunter! You always drop them outside! You should kill them before taking them outside so that you can eat them instead of allowing them to escape!

    • @[email protected]
      112 hours ago

      Eactly, people think cats are messing with them when they go out then want to come right back in. I think they’re just trying to get them to leave the door open.