• @[email protected]
    051 minutes ago

    Russian shills should be banned from running to begin with. She should be banned just do taking Russian money, and for having trumps lawyers represent her in bad faith.

  • @MegaUltraChicken
    106 hours ago

    Everyone look at how OP engages with people in these posts. They are clearly here to spread propaganda and engage in bad faith.

      • ThePowerOfGeek
        22 hours ago

        He/she is clearly not saying you wrote the article. He/she is taking about how you are engaging with people in the comments.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -21 hour ago

          I’m responding to comments in a genuine way and expressing my actual views. If people get upset by that, it’s not my responsibility to make them feel better. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, just like I am. Thanks!

          • ThePowerOfGeek
            31 hour ago

            You are changing the topic. Comment OP didn’t say you wrote the article. That was an assertion you created yourself in response to them. So you mischaracterized their comment. And that was my point: that you mischaracterized it.

            I made no explicit judgement about whether you are debating here in the comments in good faith or not. I was pointing out that your response was inaccurate.

            However your response/deflection here kind of supports their original point that you are arguing in bad faith in these comments.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              1 hour ago

              The poster said, “Everyone look at how OP engages with people in these posts. They are clearly here to spread propaganda and engage in bad faith.”

              I’ve explained how I respoond.

              And since the commenter suggested I was posting “propaganda,” so I simply pointed out that I didn’t write the article. It was shared from a reputable news source, not produced by me. Unless he believes that the news organization itself produces propaganda, then his argument doesn’t hold up.

              Thank you!

              • ThePowerOfGeek
                31 hour ago

                OP’s original comment (emboldened relevant word by me):

                Everyone look at how OP engages with people in these posts. They are clearly here to spread propaganda and engage in bad faith.

                IN these posts, not WITH these posts. You engage INSIDE (in) posts via comments. He/she was talking about your comments.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    187 hours ago

    This account was created fifty-one days ago and in that time has made four thousand and fifty-four submissions to Lemmy.

    That averages out to one every eighteen minutes and six seconds twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

    • ThePowerOfGeek
      12 hours ago

      Sounds about right.

      Quantity over quality.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -187 hours ago

      In the 447 days that the @SatansMaggotyCumFart account has been active, it has made over eight thousand two hundred and fifteen submissions to Lemmy, which is on average eighteen posts every single day!

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -157 hours ago

          I just posted some more stuff too. So please update the stats. Thank you for your interest! :)

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            86 hours ago

            How would your submissions update my stats?

            Are you even paying attention to our conversation?

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -86 hours ago

              I just posted a few more articles in the Socialist Workers Party community. Can you add these to the running stats you seem to enjoy keeping track of? Thanks for your help, friend!

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                76 hours ago

                Sometimes I feel like you shitpost too quickly to have actual conversations.

  • @very_well_lost
    86 hours ago

    Votes cast in Ohio for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will not count because the party nominated her running mate after a state administrative deadline, according to state election officials. [1]

    [1] https://apnews.com/article/election-ohio-green-party-jill-stein-f3268366b754150877605a83a95ad0ec

    Sounds like the only “accusations” should be leveled at Stein’s campaign which, yet again, couldn’t muster the basic competency to comply with state election laws and regulations… despite having 4 whole years to prepare. It’s almost like the Greens aren’t a serious political party!

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -96 hours ago

      They seem to run their local elections much better. And as much baggage as Jill has, they need to pick a different candidate for the next run. I actually like her, but this should be her last run.

    • @Eldritch
      11 hour ago

      She’d had to of had a chance to wreck it. The fart in the wind has more chance at a positive impact than any third party presidential candidate.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        157 hours ago

        I remember when you ran the communities for her before you deleted them.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -137 hours ago

          Yep! And now I run the Socialist Workers Party community. And the Socialist Workers Party X account. And their Mastadon account. And I’m also finishing up graphic design work for them to be used in shirts, hats, stickers, etc. It’s been fun. Thank you! :)