• @apfelwoiSchoppen
    2 hours ago

    He’s great in it. Can’t blame the man, he gave wonderful performances.

    That said, cash speaks.

  • @drdalek
    92 hours ago

    To be fair, 2 years a solid break from most things. I could use 2 years off my job

  • @[email protected]
    63 hours ago

    To be fair, the trailers show him becoming an ally and dealing with his daddy issues. I can’t imagine them doing much more with the character, so this might end up being a sendoff.

    • @[email protected]
      93 hours ago

      In the games, Eggman has become an ally several times, but he always goes back to his plans of world domination. He wants to rule the world, so he’s not going to let anyone destroy it first.

  • @Venicon
    635 hours ago

    I actually loved Carrey in those movies, his berserk energy was perfectly suited.

    • @zigmus64
      434 hours ago

      Maybe fun? That passage reads to me that he’s at the point of his career where he can pick and choose his work, and will only agree to it if he can goof off doing whatever the fuck he wants.

        • @[email protected]
          333 hours ago

          He’s even said as much:

          I throw the spaghetti against the wall, see if it sticks, see if it’s al dente. I know the material, and then, of course I want to try it a bunch of different ways. Give the director so much to work with, so many levels of emotion, so many levels of cartoon. I’ll do them all night if they let me.

          To me that is him finding it so fun he just wants to try each part every which way he can and find what works, because he’s truly enjoying trying it out because he wants to try it a bunch of different ways, not because he’s being told to.

          Not “I have a specific thought about how this works”, or even “I know what the director needs from me”, but “This is so fun I want to be wild with it and see what I can do!”. Which to me is what makes Carrey awesome as Robotnik.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        19 minutes ago

        will only agree to it if he can goof off doing whatever the fuck he wants.

        Well that IS how all of his best and worst work came about, after all… With the possible exception of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 🤷

    • @apfelwoiSchoppen
      52 hours ago

      You have much less inhibition when trying to claw out of enormous debt. Glad that Cage has got his feet back under him.

  • @Dasnap
    186 hours ago

    I always knew Carrey was an Adventure 2 fan.