And no generation in American history has been as selfish as the boomers.

  • @[email protected]
    175 hours ago

    The idea that violent and traumatic environments lead to strong people making good choices always seemed pretty stupid to me.

    • @Shard
      94 hours ago

      Because during bad times the ones that make bad decisions don’t survive or at very least are removed from positions of power.

      Bad times by themselves do not create good decision makers.

      • @[email protected]
        33 hours ago

        Because during bad times the ones that make bad decisions don’t survive or at very least are removed from positions of power.

        The ones best equipped to get in positions of power during “bad times” are bad people willing to put their ambitions above basic human decency.

  • @benignintervention
    65 hours ago

    Because of this meme I spent the past 2 hours watching Tim Robinson sketches

  • @[email protected]
    349 hours ago

    It’s the most Gen X thing that Gen X gets left out of the generation wars and couldn’t give a damn.

    • @adam_y
      138 hours ago

      I have a theory that our job is just to get out of the way when the boomers die off.

      Hand over the power to the next gen.

      Maybe let us have some basic income and our first gen consoles and we’ll be cool.

      • qprimed
        6 hours ago

        gotta agree. I think we are suppressive fire support. I am good with that. gonna smash that trigger 'til I get a thermal jam.

    • @Psychodelic
      78 hours ago

      Their motto is literally whatever. It’s unfortunate but I wonder how much they even try to properly inform themselves at this point.

      Tbf, many have families and homes that require them to submit themselves fully to the brutal dick of capitalism and relinquish all else, unlike millennials and gen z. Because of that, I’m pretty sure if given the choice, gen x would absolutely prefer to fight to maintain the status quo as they’re fully committed to it - that is to say, many likely believe “this is just the way things are” and things are only bad if you’re lazy or you lose your government-issued bootstraps therefore fundamental change like we’ve never seen before isn’t needed and is actually a radical position to hold.

      It’s a bit of a bummer since they have tons of experience and executive function skills later generations seem to lack/struggle with

      • qprimed
        77 hours ago

        gen x here. mortgage, kids, etc. more than happy to exorcize the poltergeist of late stage capitalism with a nice focused, deep burn - if I can improve the future for my kids (and, perhaps, yours) I am ok with personal pain.

        I know this sounds trite, but my commitment is to a better future, not my mortgage. you later alphabet soup peeps need to show up at the fucking polls and vote. show the power you have. I promise, TPTB will start paying attention - because you are coming for them.

        a coalition of generations is needed here. I propbably wont be here for the worst of climate change, so those that will… vote and put your ideas out there. I think there is more gen x support for you than you think.

      • @[email protected]
        58 hours ago

        As a GenX I’d say you’re probably not too wrong about many of us but there’s still many that are very anti-establishment. If you’re unionised check out some of your most militant union folks, chances are they’ll be GenX. As for those executive function skills…my super late ADHD diagnosis would like a word if I remember/want to take my meds :/

  • @Taalnazi
    2110 hours ago

    The true people who create hard times are the rich. They do this through control of media narratives, financing, and buying up local stores in favour of soulless megastores!

    • Hegar
      109 hours ago

      The real cycle is:

      Rich people create hard times, hard times create more poor people, rich people create more hard times.

    • geogle
      3 hours ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    -14 hours ago

    70s, 80s and 90s = golden age of humanity. Time should be taken back to those times on a loop forever.

    inb4 “muh Reagan muh AIDS muh Cold War” lol don’t care