I’m 14 and this is deep exists over here? Wow
Yeah it seems like, this is some entirely naive view of the world, people tend to forget that they are free to go into the woods and forage food etc, but then they wouldn’t have their phones and pcs to post absolute nonsense on the internet.
Like what does op think people did before “salary” they worked from dawn till dusk on a patch of land trying not to die, before that they foraged and hunted, surviving day to day
we are not medieval peasants anymore though.
hunger is something that has no good reason to exist anymore.
I agree, but that does require that those who can work, do. And also a system that doesn’t center around being greedy.
thats a great goal and i think thats what most lefties here are striving for.
This “curious” always make me think the other person is dumb… Thanks Lemmy
Your reply or the original meme doesn’t propose how to improve society, it’s just stupid ass circlejerking.
Salary can be part of a much better society too.
Sorry, perhaps you prefer the full comic?
You didn’t propose how to improve society to address the original complaint either. You were circlejerking with the other guy about how OP should shut up and people aren’t allowed to voice such complaints because otherwise they’re just edgy 14 year olds.
It’s not a complaint, it’s whinging, that’s different.
Says the guy whinging about a meme.
says the guy whining about a guy whinging about a meme
What woods are available for foraging that wouldn’t get you arrested for vagrancy? Seems everything is locked down.
deleted by creator
I feel like someone would get mad if you built a place, started foraging and planting wheat, maybe hauled in some solar panels, but I don’t know US law.
Actually Hunter Gatherer Tribes spent just around 4 hours a day hunting and gathering. Including food preparation and consumption they spent 40 hours a week wich is less than modern humans (if you count work + cooking)
Of course hunger, famines, illness, suffering and death were frequent occurrences (so I wouldn’t want to switch places), but for most of human history we had enough time and recourse for random shit like socializing, drawing, singing, dancing, sacrifices, worshipping gods and so on.
It’s called hexbear, get with the times.
Edit: not sorry for calling it like I see it. I’m thrilled my message was received and bruised some egos. Try posting image macros of a pig shitting on its own balls to recover from the hurt or something.
This isn’t leftist, this is just sad nagging
This is some libertarian “be your own boss” bullshit
The salary is the least amount of money they think they can pay you to work, but the problem is not the work itself. It’s the “money required to survive” aspect.
Thats not completely true, usually they pay people less then what they need to survive so people are desperate enough to do overtime and overnight shifts.
Which is what the original poster said, the amount of money is the issue. And boy is it, there’s nothing quite as depressing as going to work every single day and wondering why you even bother. Makes ya reeeeeal productive, too, being distracted and unmotivated.
You work every day so the capitalist can hoard an obscene amount of wealth like a dragon
That happens constantly with hourly workers, slightly less so with salaried.
Well you don’t need money at all to survive, you can just go into the woods and forage and survive that way, but it turns out it’s a lot of work, dangerous and not very effective, so people prefer living in a comfy place, and have comfy stuff and have readily available access to food and other services, but someone has to make that happen it’s not free and you doing adhoc tasks in exchange as in barter is just not effective and thus we have an introduced and intermediary thing called money, where you exchange your time for money and then you can exchange your money for goods and services.
Now how we do this, aka capitalism is largely terrible as it rewards already having or accumulating capital ( as the name suggests) but that doesn’t mean that money as it is, is somewhat terrible.
☝️🤓 actually people survived before money ! Fool !
Lemme go tell my 80 year old grandma on a fixed income to go forage instead of heading to Albertsons.
Money is required for survival in any nation where you’re getting a salary for your work. Dying 40 years early because your body gives out from giardia isn’t surviving.
So you agree that the op is fucking stupid and salary and money aren’t the root of all evil in society?
time, but no money to live.
money, but no time to live.
Yes. But which one?
Also there is an option C/D if you’re willing to make sacrifices or crush other people.
This is very true. I haven’t ever been the “Crush other people” type but I have sacrificed some things to live a very particular way that is one of the few ways I imagine would work for me to live. It makes me so sad and angry that this is the system we’ve put in place, and how it subjugates the whole world.
A sad truth is that you can do anything, but you must sacrifice things. I could to x but have to sacrifice being a spouse. I could make hella money, but I’d have to abandon my family/kids. I could do whatever but need to move across the country. Opportunity is there but most people aren’t willing to pay the price. And that’s fair.
What is this Facebook-tier jpegged nonsense
“You already gave up if you took their advice. If you played their game, you payed their price” -Ryan Harvey (Peace Justice and Anarchy)
Sell your soul at cost, buy the bar another round.
Make yourself the boss, pay your workers shit and tax the ground.
'Cause when money is your friend, then the party never ends.
Hire a crew and you can make the town.
Holy Shit! I’ve never seen another I Fight Dragons fan outside of a concert before. You’re awesome!
As long as your dream is getting arrested for trying to sleep on a bench covered in spikes
Whatever this thing is walks into a bar and the barkeeper is like: “Why the small head?”
Can’t wait for the quillotine season of 2034
My job is my dream, and I genuinely enjoy it. Even if I won the lottery I’d still work. I often joke that my job is my “favorite videogame” - it just scratches that itch.
I’m a Microsoft 365 admin. It helps that i have a super flexible schedule, so I can work around my life instead of vice-versa.