• @[email protected]
    2 minutes ago

    a Ghost Robotics Vision 60 Quadrupedal-Unmanned Ground Vehicle, or Q-UGV, armed with what appears to be an AR-15/M16-pattern rifle on rotating turret undergoing “rehearsals” at the Red Sands Integrated Experimentation Center in Saudi Arabia

    They’re not being used in combat.

    With that aside, I appear to be the only one here who thinks this is a great idea. AI can make mistakes, but the goal isn’t perfection. It’s just to make fewer mistakes than a human soldier does. (Or at least fewer mistakes than a bomb does, which is really easy.)

    Plus, automation can address the problem Western countries have with unconventional warfare, which is that Western armies are much less willing to have soldiers die than their opponents are. If robots can take the place of human infantry, the advantage shifts back from determined guerrillas to the countries with high-tech manufacturing capability.

  • @SGGeorwell
    83 hours ago

    A civilization that uses these weapons isn’t worth defending.

  • @[email protected]
    455 hours ago

    Testing armed robot dogs in the Middle East instead of the US is pretty telling.

    Can’t be accidentally murdering Americans with a software glitch.

    • @RangerJosie
      185 hours ago

      Oh it was already tremendously fucked. This is just gravy on top.

      Fuckin killbots. Coming soon to the 1033 program and thus, your local police department. The Boston Dynamics: Wardog!

    • @[email protected]
      125 hours ago

      We should never have moved away from sticks and stones tbh. Anything that works at long range makes people misunderstand what war is. War needs to look disgusting, because the more clean and automated it looks, the less horrible it looks to people spectacting it. But it is indeed just as horrible as beating someone to death with a rock.

  • @[email protected]
    94 hours ago

    Without reading the article can I take a wild guess and say this is from “we promise never to make weaponized robots” Boston Dynamics?

    A promise from a corporation is just a lie by another name.

  • Flying Squid
    256 hours ago

    Has the Army watched like… any sci-fi ever?

      • Flying Squid
        155 hours ago

        I mean, I’d rather not be hunted down by an AI robot dog, but you do you.

        • @RangerJosie
          125 hours ago

          It’s happening anyway. We build them. Others build them in response because they have to. The sophistication of killbots will increase. Terrorists will get hold of them eventually. They’ll be hacked and turned on their handlers and/or civilians.

          All this is on top of ever increasing climate catastrophe. Look at Appalachia. The topography of those mountains was just rewritten. Whole towns erased like they were never there.

          • Flying Squid
            45 hours ago

            That’s not a reason for me to want it to happen. Which was your original post’s suggestion.

            • @RangerJosie
              45 hours ago

              My first post was about letting the army fuck around and find out. Let the natural course of events remind them of those scifi movies they forgot about.

              • Flying Squid
                25 hours ago

                Let them fuck around and find out to the tune of how many lives?

                • @RangerJosie
                  15 hours ago

                  Thousands at least. The more effective the killbots are the more money our war economy will throw at warbot R&D.

                  This is happening. Nothing on this planet can stop it.

  • @gibmiser
    65 hours ago

    Not that it matters, but didn’t the UN already ban lethal autonomous robots?

  • @TommySoda
    55 hours ago

    So if a robot commits a war crime, they can just blame it on AI and call it a day, right? Sounds like an easy way to do whatever the fuck you want.

  • @_stranger_
    35 hours ago

    They should name the dogs “Terror Nexus”

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    Is this their way of exterminating civilian populations like the Palestinians without dropping bombs and contributing so significantly to climate change?

    “The US military has been adopting a new climate friendly mindset and approach to international conflict. With this invention we can help our genocidal colonies acquire more land with little to no carbon emissions. We plan to be carbon-neutral by 2050, provided no one retaliates and attacks back.”