• @Stamau123
    255 minutes ago

    Barter economy on an international scale

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    A Russian company will export chickpeas and lentils in exchange for tangerines and rice from Pakistan

    Pakistan is coming out way ahead on that one. Chickpeas and lentils are awesome.

    Under an agreement signed at the Pakistan-Russia Trade and Investment Forum in Moscow on Tuesday, Russia’s Astarta-Agrotrading will supply 20,000 tons of chickpeas while Pakistan’s Meskay & Femtee Trading Company will deliver the same quantity of rice, according to state-run Tass.

    The Russian side also plans to supply 15,000 tons of chickpeas and 10,000 tons of lentils in exchange for 15,000 tons of tangerines and 10,000 tons of potatoes from Pakistan.

    Given that every single commodity there was traded at a 1:1 mass ratio, that doesn’t sound like people went to a whole lot of effort to figure out the relative worth of the two.

  • @NateNate60
    117 hours ago

    Strange how not even China wants to deal with the hot mess that is Russian money right now.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    46 hours ago

    Brace yourself for a huge flood of shitty quality Russian porn. Especially involving actresses with questionable age on either end of age-spectrum. That’s the cheapest commodity to produce and distribute

    • @mlg
      24 hours ago

      This is sort of a recent Pakistani joke, but they’ve been calling ISI (Military Security Org) the admin of pornhub because they’ve been threatening politicians and judges with hidden/planted camera videos placed in bedrooms.

      So now the Army’s (and by extension Pakistan) #1 export is porn.

      It would be funnier if they didn’t immediately follow up with torture and death/forced disappearances if you refused to budge on calling out corruption.