• @njm1314
    145 months ago

    Yeah all those fat cat immigrants buying up all the houses with their millions of dollars. Who believes this shit?

    • shnizmuffin
      35 months ago

      You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know—morons.

      Roughly 50% of American voters.

  • @shalafi
    5 months ago

    Both are true, and I feel the vast majority of the issue is on corporate landlords. We need to hammer them flat, and it will take strong legislation, the market is failing. But…

    Any way you slice it, there are shitloads of migrants coming in.


    This month, it’s way low, but say only half of those people that came in August stay , and only that month, that’s 52,000 live human beings that need a place to stay and work. That’s a significant number. And only in one month. Sticking your fingers and your ears and saying, “LA LA LA, it’s a conservative stunt!”, doesn’t address the needs of these people and the needs they impose.

    I’m sick to fucking death of this political football. Conservatives punt it around for votes, and because of that, liberals act like there’s no problem. Neither group acts like these are real humans with real needs.

    A pox on both your houses!