She deserves worse portraits. $46bil from mining is comic book villainy. Thanos and his plight garners more sympathy, who incidentally, she looks a lot like.
That’s not accurate at all! The real Gina would be eating spiders with her lizard tongue.
Put 'em on a stamp
I’d say both artists did well to capture the essence of their subject.
Art is great.
that last one looks like Hosier’s lane!
A real aussie would be honoured to have such a portrait
What does munted translate to? The real government ads use the word frequently to describe your government
Umm depends on context. Could mean drug fucked, could mean too drunk, could mean regarded.
A common example would be ur mate got too drunk and did somthing moronic as a result of the intoxication at which point it would be ur duty to calk them a munted cunt.
Gina wants to pay workers like 20c an hour if she could.
She’s a piece of shit and the world will be better off without her.
No, no. Shes an incredible job builder and businesswoman. The odds of such a business mastermind being born to a mining magnate were very low, but she beat those odds. Nothing to do with the fortune of her birth.
I want to see that portrait get posted whenever her name is mentioned.
Well, if Australia’s sporting heroes say that these paintings shouldn’t be on display, who are we to argue?
- Gina is not a sport person
- Bullshit. If Warnie copped a derogatory portrait, he’d never be able to suppress it
No, she got some swimmers to write in saying her portrait should be removed.
You misspelled “paid”. 😉
Billionaire learns interweb.
Well i want Gina Reinhart permanently disposed of and that’s not gonna happen. So why would she get her way?