• @[email protected]
    34 hours ago

    I noticed the same a while back and looked it up, and some website says 1 hour of drumming is about equal to 10k steps in burned calories. I don’t know how accurate that is, but going by my sweat levels after 1 hour of drumming, I’m counting it.

  • @Wrench
    89 hours ago

    Huh. There’s an employee program that has small rewards for meeting exercise goals.

    Time to break out Rock Band

  • @[email protected]
    3112 hours ago

    As a guitarist this has inspired my new exercise regimen:

    • Switch Fitbit to right arm
    • Play more NOFX riffs
    • @saltescOP
      611 hours ago

      Haha. I did a play through of the first Living End album and some Rise Against in the mix as well. I haven’t played in a long while and slowly building back my punk speed.

      I know I’ll be there when I can keep up with Scott, playing all of Dude Ranch with no pause between tracks. It is VERY physically demanding.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        Punk drumming goes so hard. It doesn’t get enough credit. If you can do Dude Ranch with no pauses then you’ll have earned my respect!

  • The Pantser
    913 hours ago

    As long as you move your feet to the beat then it’s still accurate.

    • @saltescOP
      211 hours ago

      Yeah, needs work. Was on an E kit and did some scoring patterns. Right hand 98/100. Left hand 92/100. Kick 79/100. Oof. But I still need to adjust the pedal; I know, I know, blaming equipment, but it’s new and I can feel and see it reacting poorly to my usual positioning. Hopefully dial it in over the coming days.

  • @Frozengyro
    511 hours ago

    I hope you were playing a show and not keeping your neighbors up until 12AM.

    • @saltescOP
      4 hours ago

      Electric kit haha. I have two acoustics but haven’t had them set up for three houses now to respect neighbours. Finally got an e-kit because I couldn’t handle not drumming anymore.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    512 hours ago

    Riding my motorcycle off-road sets off mine. I made it top 35,000 “steps” one day when I am positive the real number probably should have been closer to 300.

  • @[email protected]
    110 hours ago

    Damn, that’s a pretty low step goal for a full day… 2700?

    I thought the normal average for good health was 10k

    • @saltescOP
      28 hours ago

      It’s just for office days because I do a lot of computer time. I dont pay attention otherwise and have a different watch I wear for my normal outdoor activities. It’s three times thicker and has no space left for health-related sensors or a pedometer. But if this one approximates just 1km is 1,000 steps, I’m doubling down on not needing to care about steps outside of office days.

        • Krzd
          2 hours ago

          Yeah, normal step lengths are around 60 - 80 cm depending on height and pace

          EDIT: obviously injured/elderly people are much lower, and running is much higher, which might explain the distance if OP’s watch thought he was running

      • @[email protected]
        48 hours ago

        And it also was never all or nothing. I keep my goal at 6000 just because 10k (i didn’t know about 8700) isn’t realistic for me. It’s still better than what I would walk normally.

      • @[email protected]
        49 hours ago

        Basically the benifits of walking (on lowering all-cause mortality) sort of plateau at 8700…

        10k still isn’t a bad metric to strive for.

      • @[email protected]
        49 hours ago

        Don’t be intimidated though. If you’re not regularly exercising, start with a smaller goal And increase at a rate you’re comfortable with. Walking is a great activity and is great for your body and easier on your knees than running.

        The point is to do more than you are now.

        • @[email protected]
          28 hours ago

          What I appreciate about my Garmin is that it adjusts my step goals up and down to make them achievable. Miss my goal for the day? The next day is a few steps less. Hit my goal? The next is a few steps more. I get the satisfaction of reaching goals, but don’t feel bad about myself if I miss.

  • @Lifecoach5000
    111 hours ago

    Juggling does the same thing for my Apple Watch.

  • @bulwark
    111 hours ago

    Dang, you really blasted of at 8pm. How many calories an hour does drumming take?

    • @saltescOP
      311 hours ago

      I don’t actually know. I stopped as blisters started forming, but could go a few hours longer. With proper technique, it’s not very physically demanding despite how it appears.