• @[email protected]
    144 minutes ago

    Nah dawg. Check my post history (don’t actually), I’ve been advocating (and been getting heavily downvoted) for supporting third party candidates for years

    • @[email protected]
      014 minutes ago

      And you are no closer to accomplishing your goals…

      There is a reason socialists in the US vote for the democratic party: we have influence in participation and have been granted concessions.

  • @[email protected]
    -32 hours ago

    Well it looks like this one’s as good as any:

    I’m voting party for socialism and liberation and you can too!

    They’re running Claudia de la Cruz on a platform of Palestinian statehood and an end to arms shipments to Israel.

    Psl is active outside of presidential elections, active outside of elections in general and is expanding!

    • @finestnothing
      81 hour ago

      This presidential election is not the time to be pushing the PSL party. Even if they were much more popular than they are now, they aren’t on enough states ballots to get to 270 even if they won every state they’re in.

      Focus on getting PSL candidates into house and Senate seats and making them more mainstream, not taking votes away from Democrats when the alternative is still Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        18 minutes ago

        If winning the presidential election was all that mattered you’d have a good point.

        My vote for psl doesn’t take a vote away from democrats because I would not vote for the democrats.

    • @chiliedogg
      92 hours ago

      In our electoral system, a vote for a third-party is a waste, and any resources dumped into them is a bigger waste.

      A socialist is going to prefer Harris over Trump, but by voting a third party instead of Democrat they’re effectively supporting Trump. When the election comes down to the wire, they’ll be the ones responsible for a second Trump term.

      This has already happened. People voting for the Green party over Al Gore are the reason we got 8 years of Bush.

      • @chaogomu
        61 hour ago

        I don’t mind the odd asshole who refuses to play ball, so far up their own ass they think they’re so special and that the spoiler effect doesn’t apply to their vote.

        If that is, they’re silent about it.

        The second they start advocating for others to join them in their stupidity, they go from a harmless idiot to an active threat to democracy, exactly as bad as the MAGAt they likely are.

    • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
      250 minutes ago

      Oh yeah, you’re the guys throwing nails on the road outside my wife’s school once a month. Hard pass.

  • @[email protected]
    117 hours ago

    As a firm believer in the need for a strong labor party to struggle for the rights of working people as an absolute bare minimum to advancing the struggle for human rights, individual freedom and working class power (while it isn’t by default a guarantee for any of those things as it would require the participation of growing masses to even begin to take these problems on,) this party doesn’t exist in this election. Principles don’t count for shit, only power matters. Before engaging in any safe state strategies, better make sure your math is impeccable since the Republicans can lose the popular vote and still win the election. We can build power for the future, but keep Trump out for now.

  • @[email protected]
    76 hours ago

    The Green Party was never to be taken seriously by anyone that knows better. It’s always been a spoiler party. This is evident in the fact that seemingly none of the Green Party candidates do jack shit three years out of every four. And when the election cycle comes. They just projectile-shit left and right depending on who’s paying.

    • @niktemadur
      3 hours ago

      Do you think she started out earnest and got co-opted?
      Has she been a willing accomplice since day one?

      To sit at a fancy gala dinner with the very definition of what the hard right salivates to be, then to declare that both parties are the same… that is something… that takes some fucking chutzpah.

      • @rayyy
        42 hours ago

        Jill disappears on November 6th and reappears 3 years and 10 months later

        Good money in it. Russian rubles too.

    • @aliceblossom
      31 hour ago

      Finally, yes! Anyone who wants to vote for a third party should instead spend their time and effort fighting for a different voting system (ranked choice, star, etc) that could mathematically allow a third party to actually succeed.

  • Ricky Rigatoni
    -24 hours ago

    Nah, you were all yelling at people talking about it at the beginning, too.

  • @PugJesus
    2911 hours ago

    That sounds too much like work and not enough like bitching.

    Makes me wish we had some serious third parties in this country, and not two grifting perennial presidential-election also-rans

    • @[email protected]
      2311 hours ago

      The lack of viable ones is less a result of effort on their part or desire for them among the electorate, and more to do with the nature of our voting system. Its hard to develop a viable third party when the system one is operating in mathematically guarantees that only two parties can be seriously competitive with eachother in nationally significant elections, and those parties are already established. They can be competitive in local elections that the larger ones dont put as much effort into, but the only times theyve ever gotten to the presidency have been the couple times when one of the two major parties basically collapses and gets replaced with a different one.

      • @PugJesus
        78 hours ago

        They can be competitive in local elections that the larger ones dont put as much effort into,

        That’s my point, though. The two biggest third parties in this country aren’t competitive in local elections, because they put even less effort in local elections as the two major parties do. They make a performative shot at the presidency every four years, and that’s about fucking it. The Libertarians are slightly better (god, what a sentence to gag on) on this than the Greens, but not by much.

  • @[email protected]
    -16 hours ago

    I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m told that 3rd party voters are too small a bloc to bother trying to earn their votes.

    • @WrenFeathersM
      1 hour ago

      As I understand, it is true that non-voters are already counted out in statistical predictions, so in essence- yes. 3rd party voters while potentially helpful, are irrelevant to the actual numbers counted towards elections.

  • @distantsounds
    -78 hours ago

    Change only happens when its convenient /s

    • SatansMaggotyCumFartOP
      108 hours ago

      I’ve been staring at this for two hours but I still don’t get it.

      • @distantsounds
        -88 hours ago

        And it was only posted 8mins ago, impressive

        • SatansMaggotyCumFartOP
          88 hours ago

          Are you going to explain it or are you going to just keep making fun of my math skills?

          • @distantsounds
            -98 hours ago

            Outside of the uses in math and physics, time can be seen as a recurring pattern of ages or cycles.

  • @[email protected]
    -3311 hours ago

    Just because youre too lazy to pay attention to third parties on non election years does not mean theyre not working.

    • TheLowestStone
      88 hours ago

      Please tell me what they’ve been doing for the last 3 years.

    • Plum
      2711 hours ago

      False equivalency. This is, in fact, an election year. And pushing a presidential spoiler hack backed by Russia isn’t a great look anyway.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 hour ago

        What’s the last progressive legislative win from the Dems that is not something Sweden had a better version of in 1976?

          • @[email protected]
            131 minutes ago

            That was either bi partisan, or a child of Republicans, as it was introduced in 1986 by a bipartisan group, signed into law by hw Bush in 1990, and amended by a Republican Congress and w bush in 2008. There was never a dem push for the law or the amendment, and there really wouldn’t be as by far the majority of Americans with disabilities vote Republican.

    • @Zachariah
      1310 hours ago

      They’re the ones saying voting against Harris is the only power they have to change her policies.