This guy is human garbage. His “supporters” are human garbage. They are shit that a decent society should scrape off the bottom of its boot.

2 months in jail, 3 years probation, 12 month social media ban, a personal protective order, and $1,900 restitution seems light to me.

  • @ikidd
    15 hours ago

    5th criminal conviction? It would seem like steps need to be taken here to sort out his behaviour.

  • @[email protected]
    27 hours ago

    The sentencing was also attended by about a dozen supporters of Pollock, who continued to jeer at and mock Leroux outside the courthouse. The group left when Windsor police officers approached them.

    Bunch of losers. Sickening who this person is and their supporters are just as bad.

  • @[email protected]
    62 days ago

    So the guys lawyer argued that he was just “trying to win an argument [online]”…

    The guy doxxed his “opponent” and then went to her dying father’s hospital room while he was asleep, took a selfie without any consent, and publicly replied to her comment with the photo. I get the lawyer is just literally doing his job defending his client but holy shit that’s insane behavior.

    How would “here’s me stalking your family” ever “win an argument” anyways???

    • MapleEngineerOP
      82 days ago

      Everyone is entitled to a defense lawyer who mounts a spirited defense. This guy didn’t have much to work with.

  • @[email protected]
    52 days ago

    After hearing what he did, and the lengths he went to harass this woman and her family, 60 days doesn’t seem like nearly enough time in jail.

    • @[email protected]
      21 day ago

      Lengthy incarceration does not prevent crime.

      Some jail time, a year long ban from social media, and restitution seem like a fitting punishment.

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        It’s really not about preventing crime at this point, since the damage has already been done.

        But this guy sounds like a danger to society, and the torture he put the family though deserves a lot more than 60 days.

        A social media ban is a bit of a joke. He didn’t just harass this woman online, but physically entered her life. Criminal harassment is the charge.

        The criminal code of Canada, in case you didn’t know, can get someone up to 10 years in jail for an indictable criminal harassment offence; up to 18 months for a summary conviction, with up to a $5000 fine.

        60 days in jail and a social media ban for a year sounds like the absolute minimum.

        CONTEXT for those who are downvoting: “Hornblower noted that Pollock has four prior criminal convictions. The judge pointed to a separate case against Pollock in 2019, when Pollock was convicted of posting an intimate image without consent.” This guy will keep doing this to other people, and needs to be kept away from society for as long as possible.