• Nuke_the_whales
    5 months ago

    People forget that his first return to WWE was during a political campaign and he guest refereed a triple h match. So I’m sure him and Levesque have a good relationship, and no more Vince, though Pritchard being there still is shady. That McMahon doc proves that Bruce is and forever will be, McMahon’s Avatar

    • Lost_My_Mind
      5 months ago

      That’s why I don’t listen to certain people on certain subjects. They’re too emotionally attatched.

      I don’t listen to Pritchard about McMahon. I don’t listen to Cornette about Russo. I don’t listen to Bischoff about AEW/Meltzer. And I don’t listen to Russo.

      Bret Hart is a weird case. He’s negative about everything, but he’s not lying per se. He just has this ability to see things from a very true, but also very negative perspective.

      Yes Goldberg WAS an unsafe worker who was very green. Yes Bret DID have it in his contract for creative control when he left. Yes it’s true that Owens accident was entirely preventable, stupid, and irresponsible on WWFs part all the way through.

      And I fully understand WHY he has a right to feel negatively about each of those things. But he’s made it his entire personality to be bitter about those things. He’s not wrong, and he’s not lying, but he’s so negative so often, and he won’t shut up about it that you start to treat him like the other names I mentioned. The other names fully do lie about those topics. Bret’s not lying, but his approach to life lumps him in with the other guys. Especially the screwjob. That’s the one he most should have moved on by now, especially since he takes no responsibility for his role in it. That one he should have been over by 1999.