• Rentlar
    282 days ago

    The government agencies tasked to hold companies accountable for industry standards and safety, have been taking companies for their word instead of actually inspecting for far too long.

    • FenrirIII
      152 days ago

      Because Republicans keep taking their funding away.

      • @Zacpod
        -123 hours ago

        And then dems fail to restore funding when they’re in office. Fuckery all around.

        • FenrirIII
          113 hours ago

          Democrats don’t have the votes when each branch of Congress is split evenly. Don’t “both sides” things without knowing the facts.

          • @Zacpod
            18 hours ago

            Eh, both sides suckle at the corporate teats. Dems are 10000x less evil than Republicans, but they’re still both evil.

            When Dems stop taking bribes from corporate lobbyists then we can stop “both siding” this crap.

    • @mkwt
      152 days ago

      Says the FAA Designated Engineering Representative who is a full time Boeing employee who has a workplace on Boeing’s campus.

      • @[email protected]
        2 days ago

        Its been so fucking obvious for at least 10 years to anyone who works at Boeing or even just knows someone who does and talks to them somewhat in depth about it that the entire situation they have with the FAA is a fucking joke with almost 0 actual functioning mechanisms for accountability.

        Then you’ve also got the completely insane relationship between their sub contractors and the actual main assembly/inspection lines.

        Nobody is ever responsible for anything going wrong, but you’ll get as close to blackballed as possible if you actually assign blame to someone for fucking up.

        Just a bureaucratic nightmare of redtape that takes weeks to untangle, and then when you actualy do that and figure out who actually broke a procedure, whlo is actually responsible, it fucking doesn’t matter bec7ause everyone else involved is lying and going behind your back to keep everything from grinding to a halt.

        • @[email protected]
          62 days ago

          Iirc the FAA faced budget cuts so let Boeing police themselves, which is dumb at best.

          But whoever decided that the FAA (and every other American regulatory agency) should have their budget cut is at fault here.

          • Weirdmusic
            2 days ago

            That would be the Republican politicians who were bought by Boeing and then cut the funding to the FAA

  • SeaJ
    72 days ago

    Federal agencies should not be using companies’ self-reported numbers. That is absolutely absurd. I get that monitoring is expensive but the alternative is a system that costs less money but is completely worthless. The FAA is not the only agency with this issue.

    • @[email protected]
      32 days ago

      I get that monitoring is expensive

      It should be paid for by the company. FAA does the review, sends Boeing etc the bill